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50th Anniversary Homage to John Coltrane

Coltrane Album Cover

50th Anniversary Homage to John Coltrane
July 21st, 7:30 pm
Philadelphia Clef Club of Jazz & Performing Arts
736-38 S. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19146

For tickets and Info: CLICK HERE


The Philadelphia Clef Club and Warriors of the Wonderful Sound, led by saxophonist, Bobby Zankel are proud to celebrate the life and music of John Coltrane on the 50th-anniversary of his death. The events will conclude with a special concert on July 21, at 7:30 pm, that will feature arrangements of music composed by Coltrane and recorded between 1957 and 1967, with a particular emphasis on his advanced later works.


This ensemble features BNY Mellon Jazz 2017 "Living Legacy" Award recipient, tenor saxophonist Odean Pope, music director and altoist, Bobby Zankel, violinist Diane Monroe, pianist and leading Coltrane scholar, Dr. Lewis Porter, bassist, Matthew Parrish, and drummer Chad Taylor.


Bobby Zankel is a alto saxophonist, bandleader and composer, born and raised in New York City. In early 1970s, Zankel spent time working with avant-garde Jazz architect, Cecil Taylor. In 1975, Zankel moved to Philadelphia and continued his pursuit of the music. He has worked with the Hank Mobley-Sonny Gillete Quintet, Jymmie Merritt’s Forerunners, Odean Pope’s Saxophone Choir, and Ruth Naomi Floyd among others. Zankel has also led his own ensembles, most important is his big band and musical laboratory, Warriors of the Wonderful Sound.


Zankel’s abilities have been recognized in a variety of ways, including receiving a Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Jazz Composition Fellowship, and the Herman Goldman Award. In 1995 he was awarded the prestigious Pew Fellowship for his writing. Grants he received through the late 80s allowed him to compose and present three jazz ballets and a jazz opera. His compositions have been performed by Lester Bowie, Johnny Coles, Marilyn Crispell, Odean Pope, Jamaaladeen Tacuma, Ralph Peterson and of course, by the Warriors of the Wonderful Sound.


Pope Monroe Zankel


PJP spoke with event co-producer/curator, Bobby Zankel about the event and its importance.


PJP: What was the inspiration for creating this concert?


Bobby Zankel: The life and music of John Coltrane are for me and many others, the point of intersection between religion, art, music, nature, beauty and spirituality. It's about the reason to be an artist, to choose life, to choose hope, to endeavor to encourage others - I have annually, most of these 50 years, musically meditated on Trane's wish to be a "force for good" on his memorial day. This concert is a continuation of that.


Bobby Zankel featured in a special sax quartet performance with Ole Mathisen, Darius Jones and Mark Allen at Church of the Advocate during Coltrane At 90 Celebration....


PJP: Why did you choose the special guest/soloists that are on this series?


Bobby Zankel: This October in Washington DC, Odean Pope will receive a "living legacy" award. He practiced and played with Trane more than 60 years ago and is still innovating and searching musically and spiritually for more truth and beauty. The wonderful creative pianist, Lewis Porter is considered to be the leading Coltrane scholar of our time.  Drummer Chad Taylor is a multi directional player of extraordinary creativity and Mohammad Ali (brother of Rashied Ali) worked with Coltrane near the end of his life.


PJP: What does the audience have in store for them?


Bobby Zankel: The music will include selections from the different periods of Trane's evolution. There will be a particular emphasis on the advanced concepts of the last two years of Trane's life. This final stage is often neglected and not understood, as the mature conclusion of this master's development. It's going to be exciting!!!


PJP: Where does the event take place?


Bobby Zankel: It will happen at the Philadelphia Clef Club.




50th Anniversary Homage to John Coltrane
July 21st, 7:30 pm
Philadelphia Clef Club of Jazz & Performing Arts
736-38 S. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19146

For tickets and Info: CLICK HERE



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Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the CultureWorks | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Wyncote Foundation.


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Tags : JohnColtrane 50thAnniversaryHomage PhiladelphiaClefClub WarriorsoftheWonderfulSound BobbyZankel OdeanPope DianeMonroe MohammadAli Dr.LewisPorter MatthewParrish ChadTaylor NewYorkCity CecilTaylor HankMobley-SonnyGilleteQuintet JymmieMerritt’sForerunners OdeanPope’sSaxophoneChoir RuthNaomiFloyd PennsylvaniaCouncilontheArts JazzCompositionFellowship HermanGoldmanAward PewFellowship OleMathisen DariusJones MarkAllen ColtraneAt90Celebration PhillyJazz


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If it hadn't been for him, there wouldn't have been none of us. I want to thank Mr. Louis Armstrong for my livelihood.
                    Dizzy Gillespie

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Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.