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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

The Remedy - Seeking Artists In HealthCare Industry

The RemedyThe Philadelphia Jazz Project [PJP] is working on a special mixtape project called, "The Remedy."


It is a collaboration between local Jazz Musicians and Healthcare Workers/Medical Professionals working together to create a mixtape consisting of all new and original music.


We seek singers, poets, rappers and musicians who work within the HealthCare Industry to take part in this project. We'd like to engage Delaware Valley Healthcare Workers/Medical Professionals irrespective of your job title, or affiliation. Whether federal, state and/or city health center staff, or private/public hospital staff members, administrators, doctors, nurses, or pharmacists; physical therapists, imaging technicians, hospital maintenance, or food service staff. All are welcome.


The Remedy HealthCare Workers 1


We need folks to share musical performances that speak to their work and lives. This project is a way for the music to be in service to the community. It also acknowledges the critical role that these important people play in our personal lives, and in the life of our region.


The Remedy HealthCare Workers 2

If you are interested, send us an email telling us who you are, what you do and where you work.


Also include an example [MP3 file or Youtube link] of your artistry by 11:59pm, Thursday, January 25th, 2018.


Send your message with the Subject: The Remedy Project to


We are looking forward to receiving some magic.



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Tags : TheRemedy Mixtape Medicine JazzMusicians HealthcareWorkers MedicalProfessionals DelawareValleyHealthcareWorkers/MedicalProfessionals Administrators Doctors Nurses Pharmacists PhysicalTherapists ImagingTechnicians HospitalMaintenance FoodService Singers Poets Rappers Musicians HealthCareIndustry InServiceToCommunityTheRemedyProject PhillyJazz


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Philly Jazz Quotes

If it hadn't been for him, there wouldn't have been none of us. I want to thank Mr. Louis Armstrong for my livelihood.
                    Dizzy Gillespie

Other Info





Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.