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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

More Wonderful Sounds Of The Year

We ran this piece last year this time and just felt compelled to rewind it and spin it back out to you again. If you haven't checked this out, you owe it to yourself to jump in. While you are at it enjoy some of the 50 plus, FREE mixtapes that we have available for your enjoyment in our archives. Don't think that because it's free, it's subpar.   Read More....

Tags : Frosty HolidayConcert StationShops SuburbanStation SEPTA ShamikaByrd EllaGanht KevinValentine PaulJost MarionSalaam TonyMiceli MaryEllenDesmond TenorMadness LarryMcKenna MichaelPedicin SamReed WaverlyAlston CarolHarris ParrisLove’ ChrisStevens JeffMurrell Christmas Xmas ChristmasMusic JazzMixtape HolidayMixtape #PhillyJazz FreeMusic

The Most Wonderful Sounds Of The Year

We ran this piece last year this time and just felt compelled to rewind it and spin it back out to you again. If you haven't checked this out, you owe it to yourself to jump in. While you are at it enjoy some of the 50 plus, FREE mixtapes that we have available for your enjoyment in our archives. Don't think that because it's free, it's subpar.   Read More....

Tags : Frosty HolidayConcert StationShops SuburbanStation SEPTA ShamikaByrd EllaGanht KevinValentine PaulJost MarionSalaam TonyMiceli MaryEllenDesmond TenorMadness LarryMcKenna MichaelPedicin SamReed WaverlyAlston CarolHarris ParrisLove’ ChrisStevens JeffMurrell Christmas Xmas ChristmasMusic JazzMixtape HolidayMixtape #PhillyJazz FreeMusic

Frosty 3! - Cool Holiday Jazz Celebration

Celebrate the Holidays with the Philadelphia Jazz Project! FROSTY 3: COOL HOLIDAY JAZZ CELEBRATION ....featuring some of Philadelphia's finest Jazz musicians. Frosty3! is co-produced and hosted by J. Michael Harrison. Hear him Fridays at 10:00 p.m. on The Bridge, on 90.1FM WRTI. SATURDAY | December 12th, 2015 | 3:00 p.m. IRVINE   Read More....

Tags : Frosty Frosty3 HolidayCelebration Jazz JeffScull KendrahButler NimrodSpeaks DarrylJackson DeniseMontana MichaelPedicinJr. TimPrice SamReed Family LarryMcKenna WaverlyAlston WaverlyAlstonIntheCompanyofFriends PaulJost ParrisLove JulieCharnet MaryEllenDesmond ChrisVance


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Philly Jazz Quotes

On my first record with him, I used no notes, just sound... I never played as powerfully as I did with Sunny Murray... he plays pulse, not beats.
Byard Lancaster

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Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.