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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Coltrane Celebration - Save The Date

On September 21st, 2019, the Philadelphia Jazz Project and it's partners will present another celebration of one of America's greatest artists and a neighbor to many Philadelphians: John Coltrane.   In the past, we have presented such exceptional artists as, Odean Pope, James Carter, Sam Reed, Larry McKenna, Carl Grubbs, Greg Osby, Tim   Read More....

Tags : JohnColtrane Coltrane ColtraneCelebration Birthday Philadelphia FairmountPark Avant-GardeJazz HardBop OdeanPope JamesCarter SamReed LarryMcKenna CarlGrubbs GregOsby TimPrice SuzanneBurgess AzarLawrence SonnyFortune Eye2EyeTrio BillyHarper PaulJost LuckyThompson KoreyRiker JoshLee ChrisStevens FreeConcert OutdoorConcert PhillyJazz

Coltrane 2017 Celebration In The Making

"God breathes through us so completely... so gently we hardly feel it... yet, it is our everything."   ——  John Coltrane       On September 23rd 2016, we Philadelphians celebrated the 90th birthday of John Coltrane: One of America’s greatest artists and our neighbor. Philadelphia Jazz Project in   Read More....

Tags : Coltrane PhillyJazz JohnColtrane ColtraneBirthdayCelebration FREEConcert WRTI PhillyCAM JazzNearYou HatfieldHouse PaulJost ChurchoftheAdvocate AzarLawrence BillyHarper SuzanneBurgess PhiladelphiaCelebratesColtrane

The People's Voices Were Heard

Working to keep the energy and ideals of Independence Day going this summer, PJP worked to present 4 concerts in 3 days called Voices Of The People: Celebration Of Singers at the historic Hatfield House in Fairmount Park. The celebration, which was co-curated and c-produced by the creative team of Barbara Montgomery, Rhenda Fearrington, Karen   Read More....

Tags : VoicesOfThePeople CelebrationofSingers HatfieldHouse FairmountPark Interdependence Diversity Love Freedom RhendaFearrington PaulJost LeeMo AnnieSciolla MiltonSuggs EllaGahnt SuzanneBurgess RaimundoSantos LiliAnel BarbaraMontgomery MichaelAndrews BethlehemRoberson PhiladelphiaJazzProject FairmountParkConservancy PhiladelphiaParks&Recreation ParksOnTap JazzNearYou PhilyJazz JazzSingers CelebratingSingers AlexisSimmons

Voices Of The People - Lee Mo

Voices Of The People: Celebration of Singers July 6, 7, 8, 2017 Hatfield House 33rd & Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130     The Philadelphia Jazz Project continues as we carry the spirit of Philadelphia into the second weekend of July 2017. In collaboration with Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Parks &   Read More....

Tags : VoicesOfThePeople CelebrationofSingers HatfieldHouse FairmountPark Interdependence Diversity Love Freedom RhendaFearrington PaulJost LeeMo AnnieSciolla MiltonSuggs EllaGahnt SuzanneBurgess RaimundoSantos LiliAnel BarbaraMontgomery MichaelAndrews BethlehemRoberson PhiladelphiaJazzProject FairmountParkConservancy PhiladelphiaParks&Recreation ParksOnTap JazzNearYou PhilyJazz JazzSingers CelebratingSingers SingPhillySing

Voices Of The People - Paul Jost

Voices Of The People: Celebration of Singers July 6, 7, 8, 2017 Hatfield House 33rd & Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130     The Philadelphia Jazz Project continues as we carry the spirit of Philadelphia into the second weekend of July 2017. In collaboration with Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Parks &   Read More....

Tags : VoicesOfThePeople CelebrationofSingers HatfieldHouse FairmountPark Interdependence Diversity Love Freedom RhendaFearrington PaulJost LeeMo AnnieSciolla MiltonSuggs EllaGahnt SuzanneBurgess RaimundoSantos LiliAnel BarbaraMontgomery MichaelAndrews BethlehemRoberson PhiladelphiaJazzProject FairmountParkConservancy PhiladelphiaParks&Recreation ParksOnTap JazzNearYou PhilyJazz JazzSingers CelebratingSingers SingPhillySing

Voices Of The People - Rhenda Fearrington

Voices Of The People: Celebration of Singers July 6, 7, 8, 2017 Hatfield House 33rd & Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130     The Philadelphia Jazz Project continues as we carry the spirit of Philadelphia into the second weekend of July 2017. In collaboration with Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Parks &   Read More....

Tags : VoicesOfThePeople CelebrationofSingers HatfieldHouse FairmountPark Interdependence Diversity Love Freedom RhendaFearrington PaulJost LeeMo AnnieSciolla MiltonSuggs EllaGahnt SuzanneBurgess RaimundoSantos LiliAnel BarbaraMontgomery MichaelAndrews BethlehemRoberson PhiladelphiaJazzProject FairmountParkConservancy PhiladelphiaParks&Recreation ParksOnTap JazzNearYou PhilyJazz JazzSingers CelebratingSingers SingPhillySing

Voices Of The People - Suzanne Burgess

Voices Of The People: Celebration of Singers July 6, 7, 8, 2017 Hatfield House 33rd & Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130     The Philadelphia Jazz Project continues as we carry the spirit of Philadelphia into the second weekend of July 2017. In collaboration with Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Parks &   Read More....

Tags : VoicesOfThePeople CelebrationofSingers HatfieldHouse FairmountPark Interdependence Diversity Love Freedom RhendaFearrington PaulJost LeeMo AnnieSciolla MiltonSuggs EllaGahnt SuzanneBurgess RaimundoSantos LiliAnel BarbaraMontgomery MichaelAndrews BethlehemRoberson PhiladelphiaJazzProject FairmountParkConservancy PhiladelphiaParks&Recreation ParksOnTap JazzNearYou PhilyJazz JazzSingers CelebratingSingers SingPhillySing

Voices Of The People - Raimundo Santos

Voices Of The People: Celebration of Singers July 6, 7, 8, 2017 Hatfield House 33rd & Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130     The Philadelphia Jazz Project continues as we carry the spirit of Philadelphia into the second weekend of July 2017. In collaboration with Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Parks &   Read More....

Tags : VoicesOfThePeople CelebrationofSingers HatfieldHouse FairmountPark Interdependence Diversity Love Freedom RhendaFearrington PaulJost LeeMo AnnieSciolla MiltonSuggs EllaGahnt SuzanneBurgess RaimundoSantos LiliAnel BarbaraMontgomery MichaelAndrews BethlehemRoberson PhiladelphiaJazzProject FairmountParkConservancy PhiladelphiaParks&Recreation ParksOnTap JazzNearYou PhilyJazz JazzSingers CelebratingSingers SingPhillySing

Voices Of The People - Annie Sciolla

Voices Of The People: Celebration of Singers July 6, 7, 8, 2017 Hatfield House 33rd & Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130     The Philadelphia Jazz Project continues as we carry the spirit of Philadelphia into the second weekend of July 2017. In collaboration with Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Parks &   Read More....

Tags : VoicesOfThePeople CelebrationofSingers HatfieldHouse FairmountPark Interdependence Diversity Love Freedom RhendaFearrington PaulJost LeeMo AnnieSciolla MiltonSuggs EllaGahnt SuzanneBurgess RaimundoSantos LiliAnel BarbaraMontgomery MichaelAndrews BethlehemRoberson PhiladelphiaJazzProject FairmountParkConservancy PhiladelphiaParks&Recreation ParksOnTap JazzNearYou PhilyJazz JazzSingers CelebratingSingers SingPhillySing

Voices Of The People - Lili AƱel

Voices Of The People: Celebration of Singers July 6, 7, 8, 2017 Hatfield House 33rd & Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130     The Philadelphia Jazz Project continues as we carry the spirit of Philadelphia into the second weekend of July 2017. In collaboration with Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Parks &   Read More....

Tags : VoicesOfThePeople CelebrationofSingers HatfieldHouse FairmountPark Interdependence Diversity Love Freedom RhendaFearrington PaulJost LeeMo AnnieSciolla MiltonSuggs EllaGahnt SuzanneBurgess RaimundoSantos LiliAnel BarbaraMontgomery MichaelAndrews BethlehemRoberson PhiladelphiaJazzProject FairmountParkConservancy PhiladelphiaParks&Recreation ParksOnTap JazzNearYou PhilyJazz JazzSingers CelebratingSingers SingPhillySing

Voices Of The People - Ella Ganht

Voices Of The People: Celebration of Singers July 6, 7, 8, 2017 Hatfield House 33rd & Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130     The Philadelphia Jazz Project continues as we carry the spirit of Philadelphia into the second weekend of July 2017. In collaboration with Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Parks &   Read More....

Tags : VoicesOfThePeople CelebrationofSingers HatfieldHouse FairmountPark Interdependence Diversity Love Freedom RhendaFearrington PaulJost LeeMo AnnieSciolla MiltonSuggs EllaGahnt SuzanneBurgess RaimundoSantos LiliAnel BarbaraMontgomery MichaelAndrews BethlehemRoberson PhiladelphiaJazzProject FairmountParkConservancy PhiladelphiaParks&Recreation ParksOnTap JazzNearYou PhilyJazz JazzSingers CelebratingSingers SingPhillySing

Voices Of The People

Voices Of The People: Celebration of Singers July 6, 7, 8, 2017 Hatfield House 33rd & Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130    Admission Is FREE! However, Registration Is Mandatory  Register Here!!   The Philadelphia Jazz Project in collaboration with Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation,   Read More....

Tags : VoicesOfThePeople CelebrationofSingers HatfieldHouse FairmountPark Interdependence Diversity Love Freedom RhendaFearrington PaulJost LeeMo AnnieSciolla MiltonSuggs EllaGahnt SuzanneBurgess RaimundoSantos LiliAnel BarbaraMontgomery MichaelAndrews BethlehemRoberson PhiladelphiaJazzProject FairmountParkConservancy PhiladelphiaParks&Recreation ParksOnTap JazzNearYou PhilyJazz JazzSingers CelebratingSingers

Coltrane At 90 - Thanks

"I'd like to point out to people the divine in a musical language that transcends words. I want to speak to their souls."   ——  John Coltrane       Many thanks to everyone who attended, participated, or wanted to join us in celebrating John Coltrane's 90th birthday over these 9 amazing days. It   Read More....

Tags : ColtraneAt90 PhillyJazz JohnColtrane ColtraneBirthdayCelebration PhiladelphiaCelebratesColtrane TempleUniversityLibraries WRTI PhillyCAM JazzNearYou FREEConcert AzarLawrence TerryLawson DouglasEwart WorldTownSoundSystem AlanNelson JamesBrandonLewis ChrisStevens KoreyRiker JoshLee TimPrice SuzanneBurgess PaulJost SamReed PeteChavez RudreshMahanthappa BillyHarper WillieWilliams TenorMadness TimPrice OleMathisen DariusJones SpaceWhaleEnsemble Eye2EyeTrio LarryPrice JoshLee LaurenLarkJones MichaelAndrews Twizzmatic BehindTheBreaks ChrisOatts

Celebrating The Right Way

You may not have noticed it, but in our zeal to celebrate John Coltrane's 90th birthday, we gave you the years of his 100th birthday.   We incorrectly wrote on our logo, 1916 - 2016. It does now and should have read, 1926 - 2016.   Please forgive our haste. It was wrong. We made a mistake. It in no way speaks for our excitement,   Read More....

Tags : ColtraneAt90 JohnColtrane ColtraneBirthdayCelebration PhiladelphiaCelebratesColtrane TempleUniversityLibraries WRTI PhillyCAM JazzNearYou 9daysofFREEevents zarLawrence TerryLawson DouglasEwart WorldTownSoundSystem AlanNelson JamesBrandonLewis UmarRaheem ChrisStevens KoreyRiker JoshLee TimPrice MichaelPedicin SuzanneBurgess PaulJost SamReed PeteChavez

Celebrating Coltrane

September 17th to 25th, 2016 One of the most important artists of the 20th century was our neighbor. He walked among us. He lived among us. He was not born here, but he became a man and a professional musician here. We celebrate his birthday next month. September 23rd, 2016. He would have been 90 years old.   His name was John William   Read More....

Tags : ColtraneAt90 JohnColtrane ColtraneBirthdayCelebration PhiladelphiaCelebratesColtrane TempleUniversityLibraries WRTI PhillyCAM JazzNearYou 9daysofFREEevents zarLawrence TerryLawson DouglasEwart WorldTownSoundSystem AlanNelson JamesBrandonLewis UmarRaheem ChrisStevens KoreyRiker JoshLee TimPrice MichaelPedicin SuzanneBurgess PaulJost SamReed PeteChavez


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Philly Jazz Quotes

Jazz is a phenomenon. …it's an element that was created that almost lacks definition. Because it's endless.
Trudy Pitts

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Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.