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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Germantown Music Festival

GTown Music Festival

Germantown Music Festival
Sunday, May 7th 2017 12:00pm to 9:00pm

For More Info Visit The Germantown Music Festival Website


Germantown Music Festival is day long series of events at three differnet locations in Germantown and featuring some of Germantown's finest performers. Produced by Germantown Arts, ands presented at Rittenhouse Soundworks, House Concert On Price Street and 410 Specialties.


Featuring Musicians:

    ▪    Germantown Flute Trio
    ▪    Jim Hamilton Duo
    ▪    Monnette Sudler/Diane Monroe Quartet
    ▪    The Epoché Sax Quartet
    ▪    The Jost Project


For More Info Visit The Germantown Music Festival Website


Jim Hamilton is a Germantown-based musician, sound engineer, record producer, recording studio owner, entrepenuer and co-producer of the Germantown Music Festival. He has performed all over the world including performances at the Grammys, World Music Awards, MTV, BET and VH-1 Video Music Awards. He has worked with Boyz II Men, Gerald Alston, Toni Braxton, Paul Winter, Jamaladeen Tacuma, John BlakeOdean PopeZakir HussainDom Um RomaoMarshall Allen, among others. As a drummer and percussionist, Jim Hamilton is also heavily involved in the percussion scene in Philadelphia. He was a co-founding member of The Spoken Hand Ensemble and Alo Brasil.


Jim Hamilton/Rob Curto Duo


PJP spoke with Jim Hamilton about himself, Rittenhouse Soundworks and the upcoming Germantown Music Festival.


PJP: What and whom are pivotal musical influences on your creative approach?


Jim Hamilton: My creative direction varies from project to project. This project, The Germantown Music Festival is something I'm co-creating with the vibraphonist, Tony Miceli. We both share a belief in access to art, so much so that we're creating that access for Philadelphia through this festival.

PJP: What and whom are pivotal musical influences on your creative approach?


Jim Hamilton: Muhal Richard Abrams and Odean Pope are two figures I look to daily for inspiration.


Sudler Monroe Quartet


PJP: What is the Germantown Music Festival about?


Jim Hamilton: The Germantown Music Festival is about our community taking responsibility for our musical legacy into our own hands. Curating it and presenting it in a respectful way for both the performers and the audience.


PJP: Who is taking part in it?


Jim Hamilton: There are over 20 musicians performing this weekend.  They include...

    ▪    Germantown Flute Trio with Anne Levinson, Katie Ambacher & Elivi Varga
    ▪    Jim Hamilton/Rob Curto Duo
    ▪    Monnette Sudler/Diane Monroe Quartet
    ▪    The Epoché Sax Quartet with Jack Saint Claire, Josh Lee, Chris Oatts, Dylan Principi
    ▪    The Jost Project with Paul Jost, Tony Miceli, Kevin MacConnell, Doug Hirlinger


PJP: Why is this theme/concept so important?


Jim Hamilton: Germantown itself is extremely important in the history of our nation. It's a power spot of ideas and consciences. It is and always has been a creative place for creative thinkers. We are making sure that we continue that tradition as we move forward together collectively.


Gtown Flute Trio

PJP: Can you explain your process and the steps that led to this festival?  

Jim Hamilton: The steps were just a couple and it came together very quickly. Tony Miceli and I know many creatives in the area and we thought that we should take these ideas that germinate inside of these various groups and bring it to the public.


PJP: When listening or participating in the festival what advice would you give the audience to assist with greater understanding and enjoyment?


Jim Hamilton: I think audiences should understand that Jazz is not a kind of music. Its a language and a mode of expression. This expressive language represents a plurality of voices that reflect these wonderful differences of ideas and modes of expression. It's not a singularity. Jazz cannot be described as a single anything. By definition, its defined only by the woman, or man who is expressing an idea. It has a built-in equality.


Germantown Music Festival
Sunday, May 7th 2017 12:00pm to 9:00pm

For More Info Visit The Germantown Music Festival Website



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Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the CultureWorks | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Wyncote Foundation.


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Tags : Germantown GermantownMusicFestival Performances PriceStreet 410Specialties RittenhouseSoundworks GermantownFluteTrio AnneLevinson KatieAmbacher EliviVarga JimHamilton RobCurto MonnetteSudler DianeMonroe TheEpochéSaxQuartet TheJostProject PaulJost TonyMiceli KevinMacConnell DougHirlinger GermantownArts PhillyJazz


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Philly Jazz Quotes

If it hadn't been for him, there wouldn't have been none of us. I want to thank Mr. Louis Armstrong for my livelihood.
                    Dizzy Gillespie

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Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.