Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project
Holy Sea Mixtape
Dec 22, 2015
In September 2015, PJP was in preparation mode for the 7th and final performance of our 7x7 Concert Series at Venice Island Performing Arts & Recreation Center [VIPARC] in Manayunk. While the series showcased an eclextic array of performances, it also introduced Philadelphia audience to this beautiful and new performance space. The featured artist for the final concert was flautist, Elijah Thomas with his highly anticipated presentation on the Asian Influence In Jazz.
Meanwhile in another part of town, another highly anticipated event was soon to take place as well: The arrival of Pope Francis. Due to the pontiff’s overwhelming popularity, a record number of people were expected to turn out to see him. In anticipation of the crowds, the City of Philadelphia implemented security measures that included the creation of a fenced in safe zone, which made traveling for many people virtually impossible.
Recognizing the difficulties for his band members Elijah Thomas, asked that the concert be cancelled. Having already paid for the venue, PJP invited a group of musicians who lived outside of the safe zone to particpate in a live concert/recording session. A group of master improvisers led by Sun Ra Arkestra, Forerunners member and saxophonist Terry Lawson. They came with no musical charts. No notes. No pre-conceived notions of what would happen. They came only with a desire to create together on the spot.
We called the event, "Navigating The Holy Sea"
Friday, September 25, 2015
Venice Island Performance And Recreation Center
7 Lock Street, Philadelphia, PA 19127
It Featured:
Terry Lawson - Tenor Saxophone
Larry Price - Alto Saxophone
Mike Watson - Bass Clarinet
Anam Owili-Eger - Keyboards
Keith DeStefano - Bass
Kevin Diehl - Drums
The session was engineered and recorded by Shevinah Johnson and consists of four group improvisations. Be forewarned. This is not easy music. This is spontaneous creation between six highly gifted individuals.
Special thanks to Kevin Sommerville and Bill Powell of Venice Island Performing Arts & Recreation Center [VIPARC]. This first year of VIPARC has been wonderful.
Mixtape Duration: 55 minutes + 27 seconds
Mixtape File Size: 79.9 MB
You can also download Navigating The Holy Sea at:
Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the CultureTrust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Wyncote Foundation