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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Listening Party #1

Keith DeStefano

What is a listening party and why should you come out?

  • A listening party is an entertaining gathering of folks.
  • A listening party is an opportunity to hear great, local music.
  • A listening party is a chance to hang out with old friends and new ones.
  • A listening party is a chance to meet and support local musicians.
  • A listening party is an opportunity to hear live comics, poets and actors.
  • A listening party is an opportunity to buy the CDs you hear.
  • A listening party is free of charge.

On Friday, March 1, 2013, at 7:00PM

at Fleisher Art Memorial, 719 Catharine Street, 215-922-3456

Philadelphia Jazz Project presents...

Listening Party #1

Hosted by WRTI deejay, J. Michael Harrison.

Featuring music by;

  • Barbara Walker - Vocalist
  • Robert Kenyatta - Percussionist
  • Arturo Stable - Percussionist
  • Rhenda Fearington - Vocalist
  • Odean Pope - Saxophonist
  • Keith DeStefano - Bassist
  • Bethlehem - Vocalist
  • Mars Apes - Jazz Ensemble

And special performances by actor, Thierry Lundy and comedian, Bob McDermott.

FREE admission, but you must RSVP.


Raffles, door prizes and fun refreshments!

FREE parking in Fleisher Lot


Hope to see you there.


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Tags : ListeningParty J.MichaelHarrison OdeanPope BarbaraWalker ArturoStable KeithDeStefano Bethlehem


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Philly Jazz Quotes

Jazz is a phenomenon. …it's an element that was created that almost lacks definition. Because it's endless.
Trudy Pitts

Other Info

PhillyCAM Sessions




Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.