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Mysterious Traveler - Brent White

Brent White 1

Mysterious Traveler 3 Concert Series

October 24, 2016 - 7PM | Brent White

Parkway Central Library | Montgomery Auditorium
1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189


All events in this series are FREE.


Mysterious Travelers 3: Internal Investigations - a collaboration between The Free Library of Philadelphia and Philadelphia Jazz Project. Back by overwhelming popular demand! FREE concerts every fourth Monday night from October 2015 through May 2016 audiences will hear from veteran, as well as up-and-coming musicians who are shaping the future sounds of Philadelphia with a sharp ear to the legacies of our past. This season will directly celebrate the massive and amazing collections of the Free Library by granting our performers access to explore them as a source of inspiration for the creation of new musical works and arrangements


Brent White 2Philadelphia native Brent White received early training under the tutelage of trombonist Al Grey and Clifford Adams. White has toured the globe performing with the likes of Roy Ayers, John Legend, Kindred Family Soul, and Sun Ra Arkestra. He has been welcomed to the stage by Zap Mama, and has recorded in-studio for Patti Labelle. No stranger to Philadelphia and New York jazz scene, White has performed with Orrin Evan’s Captain Black Big Band, Harlem Renaissance Orchestra and the Fresh Cut Orchestra, among other ensembles.


A usual suspect at Ortleib’s Jazzhaus in Philadelphia, White has shared many sit-in sessions alongside the legendary Mickey Roker. “You got it...that sound!” Roker frequently commented on White’s ability play with such quality, moving between styles effortlessly. White’s diverse exposure, has allowed him to perform in musicals such as Ain’t Misbahavin’, Rock & Soul, Rat Pack, Burn the Floor. White’s training and experience have placed him in a position to continue to nurture his own recipe of good music that speaks honestly, emphasizes quality and is recognized as having a “good sound” evident to anyone who hears him play.


Trombonist Brent White, will be our next guest artist in the Mysterious Traveler Concert Series.


Mysterious Traveler 3 Concert Series

October 24, 2016 - 7PM | Brent White

Parkway Central Library | Montgomery Auditorium
1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189


All events in this series are FREE.


PJP spoke with Brent White about his music and his approach.Brent White 3


PJP: Can you briefly describe your musical direction


Brent White: My musical direction is purposed with combining poly-harmonic digital samples with melodic and rhythmic feel of Hard Bop Jazz in the late 1950’s.


PJP: What and whom are pivotal musical influences on your creative approach?


Brent White: My musical influences include, Lee Morgan, Nicholas Payton, Joe Henderson, J.J. Johnson and Stevie Wonder.

PJP: What are you going to present at Mysterious Traveler 3?
Brent White: The name of the project is The Broken Toy and it’s a suite of music dedicated to all of the children who suffer emotional damage that makes them broken and unable to be part of healthy relationships.
PJP: Why is this theme/concept so important? Can you explain your process and the steps that led to this performance?
Brent White: It's my pre-school class. Once a week, for over two years, I have been teaching them about Jazz music. That's what inspired my theme. Although I only spent one 30-minute session a week with these pre-schoolers, they had a good grasp of lyric, rhythm, pitch and dynamics. At the final performance, many parents came up to me and shared stories of how music made a difference in their children’s life and how they wish music was an integral part of what our schools offer. I was the only music teacher in a K-8 school!

Brent White 5Then, I began to realize how emotional damage is caused by taking music away, or not allowing children to grow musically. That thought inspired much of what we are going to present in concert.


PJP: How do you manage the task of creating and encouraging fresh, new, forwarding moving musical ideas, while simultaneously exploring, celebrating and documenting the past?


Brent White:  God inspires all things. In this sense, the past is no different from the future. It’s listening in the moment that creates fresh new music. Then, you do your research and see who’s done it before you and give honor and credit to the author.


PJP: When listening to your music, what advice would you give to audiences to assist with greater understanding and enjoyment?


Brent White: Participate! Sing. If you're tone-def, take a theory class, or pick up the instrument for the first time. Music is a recreational activity.


PJP: Why Jazz? When you could be doing anything else, why Jazz?


Brent White: Because Jazz is an art form that exists in the moment. We try our best to record and document the great moments, but you have to be present to understand, “Why Jazz”.


Find out more about Brent White at his website:


Mysterious Traveler 3 Concert Series


October 24, 2016 - 7PM | Brent White
Parkway Central Library | Montgomery Auditorium
1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189


All events in this series are FREE.


Mysterious Traveler 3 - Internal Investigations Concert Series is produced by Philadelphia Jazz Project in collaboration with The Free Library of Philadelphia.



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Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Wyncote Foundation.


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Tags : MysteriousTraveler MysteriousTraveler3:InternalInvestigations RoyAyers HardBop JohnLegend FreeLibraryofPhiladelphia BrentWhite AlGrey CliffordAdams KindredFamilySoul SunRaArkestra ZapMama PattiLabelle OrrinEvan’sCaptainBlackBigBand HarlemRenaissanceOrchestra FreshCutOrchestra Ortleib’sJazzhaus TheBrokenToy ChildrenandEmotionaldamage Digitalsampling


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Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.