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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Mysterious Traveler - Larry Price

Larry Proice 1Mysterious Traveler 4 Concert Series

December 18th, 2017 - 7PM | Larry Price

Parkway Central Library | Montgomery Auditorium
1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189


All events in this series are FREE.


Mysterious Travelers 4: Further Investigations - a collaboration between The Free Library of Philadelphia and Philadelphia Jazz Project. Back by overwhelming popular demand! FREE concerts on Monday nights from September 2017 through May 2018; audiences will hear from veteran, as well as up-and-coming musicians who are shaping the future sounds of Philadelphia with a sharp ear to the legacies of our past. This season our artists will continue to celebrate the massive and amazing collections of the Free Library by exploring them as a source of inspiration for the creation of new musical works.


Larry Price 2Larry Price is a Philadelphia-based alto saxophonist, vocalist, arranger, composer, and producer, with one foot deeply planted in the blues and gospel sounds of his North Carolina roots and the other foot firmly grounded into the adventurous realms of jazz's avant-garde. Price, who resided in Finland from 2002 through 2014, presented lectures, workshops, and performances in Finland, Sweden, France, Belgium, Russia, Estonia, Lithuania, Turkey, Kenya, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Canada. He also worked with some of Europe’s most prolific artists including, Finlandian vocalist, Bianca Morales, and Ukrainian classical pianist Viatceslav Novikov.​ Larry Price has also performed with noted American artists such as James Carter, Ted Curson, Nancy Wilson, Quincy Jones, Ashford & Simpson and Stanley Turrentine.



Saxophonist and composer, Larry Price will be our next guest artist in the Mysterious Traveler Concert Series. In his concert, Larry Price will present music inspired by the visual art of Black Philadelphian and master printmaker, Dox Thrash.


PJP spoke with Larry Price, about his music, approach and the new project that he will reveal in the Mysterious Traveler Concert Series.


PJP: Can you briefly describe your musical direction?


Larry Price:  ​My musical direction is towards the uncharted spaces of the soundscape around us. I am seeking to fill the canvas of time, space and sound with my total presence, while being guided by the divine intelligence. 


PJP: What and whom are pivotal musical influences on your creative approach?

Larry Price 3Larry Price: ​The pivotal musical influences in my life have been Motown, Stax Records, The Philly Sound, drinking cheap wine and singing on the street corner, Blue Note Records, gospel music, funk and all the different dialects of so called Jazz music.


PJP: What are you going to present at the Mysterious Traveler Concert Series?


Larry Price: ​I am presenting a series of musical poems based on a few of the print works of African American Master Printmaker, Dox Thrash who resided here in Philadelphia. His work documents the black American's evolving identity in the 1930s and 1940s, addressing contemporary issues regarding race, history, gender and modern art. 


PJP: Why is this theme/concept so important?


Larry Price: ​This theme is important because there are many of us that don’t know his work as well as who he was. This is another brilliant black mind that I feel very honored to have the opportunity to represent musically. 


PJP:  Can you explain your process and the steps that led to this performance?


Larry Price: ​The process that led to me creating these works involved a collaboration between Philadelphia Jazz Project and The Free Library of Philadelphia. Both organizations had the vision to spotlight the library's surprising holdings within their collections. I take great pride in participating in such a project and I am quite excited to be the recipient of the honor of creating musical works honoring this incredibly talented printmaker.


Check Out Larry Price In Action with The Price/Speaks/Diehl Trio


PJP: How do you manage the task of creating and encouraging fresh, new, forwarding moving musical ideas while simultaneously exploring, celebrating and documenting the past?


Larry Price:  ​I don’t, I just do what I have always done, be myself!


PJP: When listening to your music what advice would you give the audience to assist with greater understanding and enjoyment?


Larry Price: ​Listening to music is kind of like eating food. Either you like it or you don’t. There are some situations where you might say, it was alright. Then there are other situations when you might say that was great! There are times when you’re just not in the mood for that dish or music. It doesn’t mean that you don’t like it, it just means that you’re not in the mood for it now. One person’s pleasure is another person’s pain! The only advice that I can give, is to come with an appetite!


PJP: Why Jazz? When you could be doing anything else, Why this music?


Larry Price:  ​I have no clue! I just put the food on the table and they can call it whatever they choose.


Mysterious Traveler 4 Concert Series

December 18th, 2017 - 7PM | Larry Price

Parkway Central Library | Montgomery Auditorium
1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189


All events in this series are FREE.


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Mysterious Traveler 4 - Further Investigations Concert Series is produced by Philadelphia Jazz Project in collaboration with The Free Library of Philadelphia.


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Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation and The Wyncote Foundation.


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Tags : MysteriousTraveler FreeConcert FreeLibrary Philadelphia MontgomeryAuditorium CentralLibrary FurtherInvestigations LarryPrice altosaxophone Blues Gospel NorthCarolina Avant-Garde MasterPrintmaker DoxThrash VisualArtist BiancaMorales ViatceslavNovikov JamesCarter TedCurson NancyWilson QuincyJones Ashford&Simpson StanleyTurrentine Finland Sweden France Belgium Russia Estonia Lithuania Turkey Kenya Spain Portugal Germany Canada PhillyJazz


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Philly Jazz Quotes

If it hadn't been for him, there wouldn't have been none of us. I want to thank Mr. Louis Armstrong for my livelihood.
                    Dizzy Gillespie

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Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.