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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Mysterious Traveler Mixtape #3

In early 2014, Leo Gadson of Producers Guild, Adam Feldman of the Free Library of Philadelphia and Homer Jackson of the Philadelphia Jazz Project met to discuss a new concert series. It was called the Mysterious Traveler Concert Series. The series presented monthly concerts from September through May, showcasing young and not so young,   Read More....

Tags : MysteriousTravelerMixtape Mixtape MysteriousTravelerConcertSeries ChrisOatts AlexisSimmons KunuBi BrentWhite JakeKelberman HowardTucker EugeneLew LeoGadson ProducersGuild AdamFeldman PeryyGenovisi HomerJackson PhillyJazz FreeConcert JazzMixtape FreeLibraryofPhiladelphia MontgomeryAuditorium CentralLibrary JuliaLopez MelissaTalleyPalmer StephanieSeiple


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Philly Jazz Quotes

On my first record with him, I used no notes, just sound... I never played as powerfully as I did with Sunny Murray... he plays pulse, not beats.
Byard Lancaster

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Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.