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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Musica Potente Mixtape

Latin music is a diverse and complex group of cultural expressions. Its roots lie deep at the intersection of European, Native and African cultures. Latin music has had profound impacts on Jazz. It is sometimes difficult to see where one begins and one ends.   Being here in Philadelphia, we are fortunate to be present in a diverse   Read More....

Tags : MusicPotente PowerfulMusic LatinMusic LatinRhythms JesseBermudez PabloBatista SuzzetteOrtiz ChristianNoguera LukeCarlosO\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Reilly AndresCisneros DennisGuevera ChickCorea MakeMusicPhilly JacobsMusicCompany TheDellMusicCenter TheBlockParty FairmountPark ArtBlakey AnotherHolidayForSkins PabloBatista DocGibbs RonHowerton RobertKenyatta ChristianNoguera CharliePatierno KharyAbdulShaheed

Ted Gericke

Ted is a treasure trove of jazz history, and the discerning listener will notice quotes from original performances pop up in his improvisations. You can tell it’s not just some kid playing changes out of a fakebook. Ted KNOWS these tunes.                         - - -    Read More....

Tags : TedGericke JymieMerritt MakeMusicDay MakeMusicPhilly PianoExtravaganza Bebop Swing JazzPiano JacobsMusic ThePrimeRib SocietyHillHotel JanKlinewicz TheloniousMonk BudPowell DukeEllington CharlieParker DizzyGillespie PhillyJazz.Org

Make Music Philly 2014

Make Music Day is a global celebration that takes place on the summer solstice each year and over 500 cities world-wide celebrate. Saturday June 21, 2014, will be the second time Philadelphia joins in the celebration. Think of Make Music Philly as a city wide, musical showcase presenting the whole gamut of musical expression available in the   Read More....

Tags : ArchStreetFriendsMeetingHouse MakeMusicDay MakeMusicPhilly LuckyThompson KendrahButler KimPedro KimPedro'NUGruv KendrahButler&nVizion

Fast & Furious

The Summer of 2013 has come upon us fast and furious. Hard to believe that it's here already, but it's hot and the kids are out of school. Time flies when you're having fun and it's been an incredible, first 6 months for Philadelphia Jazz Project [PJP]. Our Community Conversations at the Gershman Y and PhillyCam with guests like musicians   Read More....

Tags : PhiladelphiaJazzProject CommunityConversation ListeningParty WyncoteFoundation PaintedBride MakeMusicPhilly

Make Music Philly Day

Make Music Day is a global celebration that takes place on the summer solstice each year and for the first time ever, the “city of brotherly love” will join with over 500 other cites world-wide to celebrate from 8AM -8PM. Friday June 21, 2013 will be the first, city-wide, free “do it yourself” festival - including   Read More....

Tags : MakeMusicDay MakeMusicPhilly JazzAtJacobs CentroMusical LovePark FaridBarron RaymonA.King TerryKlinefelter SuzzetteOrtiz SteveRice TedGerik AlRinaldi AndyLalasis DomenicCicchetti LukeCarlosO’Reilly CaféConPan DaudElBakara KoreyRiker


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Philly Jazz Quotes

On my first record with him, I used no notes, just sound... I never played as powerfully as I did with Sunny Murray... he plays pulse, not beats.
Byard Lancaster

Other Info





Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.