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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

William Bickley - The Puppet

The Puppet: A Musical Comedy July 8th 2016 | 8pm Venice Island Performing Arts & Recreation Center 7 Lock Street, Philadelphia, PA 19127 [Off Main Street in Manayunk] For Information & Tickets Call: 267-481-3155   William "Brother Wali" Bickley is a world class flautist, composer, poet and playwright. Born in Philadelphia,   Read More....

Tags : WilliamBickley WaliBickley ThePuppet Theater Musical Comedy LedEasily MysteriousTraveler VeniceIslandPerformingArts&RecreationCenter Manayunk FreeLibraryofPhiladelphia MultidisciplinaryArtist BrotherWali JohnColtrane TheArtistGroup InnerJourney BertHarris JohnGuest FranklinNeblett AdamHershberger

Mysterious Traveler - Kim Pedro

Mysterious Traveler 2 Concert Series - Great Migrations Monday May 23 - 7PM | Kim Pedro Parkway Central Library | Montgomery Auditorium
 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189 All events in this series are FREE.   Mysterious Travelers 2: Great Migrations - a collaboration between The Free Library of Philadelphia and Philadelphia   Read More....

Tags : MysteriousTraveler MysteriousTraveler2:GreatMigrations FreeLibraryofPhiladelphia MultidisciplinaryArtist KimPedro VisualArtist SunRaArkestra DMHotep RobertKenyatta JazGuardianMusicians’Organization DepartmentofRecreation NUGRuVNetwork MonikaHerzig RaimundoSantos VanidaGail Kaligata KingSoundVibration Melange JasonFraticelli

Mysterious Traveler - Najwa Parkins

Mysterious Travelers 2: Great Migrations - a collaboration between The Free Library of Philadelphia and Philadelphia Jazz Project. Back by overwhelming popular demand! FREE concerts every fourth Monday night from October 2015 through May 2016, audiences will hear from veteran, as well as up-and-coming musicians who are shaping the future sounds   Read More....

Tags : MysteriousTraveler MysteriousTraveler2:GreatMigrations NajwaParkins FreeLibraryofPhiladelphia MultidisciplinaryArtist NajwaParkinsandtheAfterHoursTrio AlexandTheKaleidoscopeBand PhilWoods HotBijouxx BachelorBoysBand BennyGolson BranfordMarsalis NottheNextSomeoneElse LiveattheDeerHeadInn

Mysterious Traveler - William "Brother Wali" Bickley

Mysterious Travelers 2: Great Migrations - a collaboration between The Free Library of Philadelphia and Philadelphia Jazz Project. Back by overwhelming popular demand! FREE concerts every fourth Monday night from October 2015 through May 2016, audiences will hear from veteran, as well as up-and-coming musicians who are shaping the future sounds   Read More....

Tags : MysteriousTraveler MysteriousTraveler2:GreatMigrations FreeLibraryofPhiladelphia MultidisciplinaryArtist William"BrotherWali"Bickley BrotherWali WilliamBickley JohnColtrane TheArtistGroup InnerJourney BertHarris JohnGuest FranklinNeblett AdamHershberger


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Philly Jazz Quotes

On my first record with him, I used no notes, just sound... I never played as powerfully as I did with Sunny Murray... he plays pulse, not beats.
Byard Lancaster

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PhillyCAM Sessions


Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.