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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Germantown Stars Under The Stars


Germantown Artists Roundtable is one of PJP's best partners. We have done three very successful projects together. This summer Germantown Artists Roundtable has been very busy. We spoke with Paula Paul, one of the organizers of the group about their next big event: Germantown Stars Under The Stars which takes place on Friday, August 7th, 2015, from 8 - 10pm at Historic Vernon Park.


PJP: When where and what is Germantown Under The Stars?


Paul: Germantown Stars Under the Stars is a unique free community concert that will focus mostly on the interplay of outstanding spoken word artists/poets and musicians from G-town.....a performance banquet. The event takes place on Friday, August 7, 8-l0pm in Vernon Park in Germantown.


PJP: How old is it, why does it happen and why is it important?


Paul: This is a first time event.  We are focusing on some of our outstanding performing artists: poets and musicians as part of a city-wide Performance in Public Spaces initiative.  We wanted to bring the magic of these artists, living amongst us, to the wider community in a performance in a public space. We wanted to say, you can come out at night in G-town and have an evening inspired by great artists who live in our midst.


PJP: Who is in it and why should Jazz fans come out?


Paul: Many of these performers have appeared in Jazz Project programs across the city.  There is a long tradition of poetry and jazz and jazz as poetry. This program is a wonderful collaboration between some of G-towns finest poets with some of our outstanding musicians.


Folks need to bring a chair and sit under the stars from 8-l0pm August 7th in Vernon Park to partake of this powerful group of outstanding artists. Monnete Sudler is a world reknown guitarist, Sonia Sanchez, a world reknown poet and activist, Ursula Rucker also a global performer. Yolanda Wisher, writer and vocalist and Quick Fixx with Karen Smith and Mark Palacio are performing throughout the city. Yolanda just received the big Pew Grant for an artists to develop their work. Nzadi Keita recently published a fine collection of poems Brief Evidence of Heaven. Trapeta Mayson is a fine poet, director of Historic Germantown and recipient of many awards including Pew and Leeway grants. Our MC for the night Darius Lantz, spoken word artist and founder of Coffee After Dark will tie it all together. I could go on and on about each of our performers- their fine minds, hearts and artistry. They truly are Germantown Stars Under the Stars. Germantown Artists Roundtable thanks the Office of Arts, Culture and Creative Economy for its support through the Performance in Public Spaces initiative and the cooperation of the Friends of Vernon Park.

PJP: Who/what is Germantown Artists Roundtable?


Paul: Germantown Artists Roundtable is a volunteer network of visual, literary and performing artists and those who support the arts in G-town. Our mission is to dedicate ourselves to supporting and promoting our artists-past, present and future-by connecting them to the community and preserving and promoting their art.


Germantown Stars Under The Stars
Friday, August 7th, 2015, 8 -10pm
at Historic Vernon Park
Greene Street between Chelten Avenue and Rittenhouse Street
Phila., PA 19144


Free Admission
Rain date: Sunday, August 9th, 8 - l0pm

A Germantown Artists Roundtable Presentation


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Tags : GermantownArtistsRoundtable GermantownStarsUnderTheStars VernonPark MonneteSudler SoniaSanchez UrsulaRucker TrapetaMayson YolandaWisher QuickFixx KarenSmith MarkPalacio NzadiKeita DariusLantz CoffeeAfterDark FreeAdmission


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Philly Jazz Quotes

If it hadn't been for him, there wouldn't have been none of us. I want to thank Mr. Louis Armstrong for my livelihood.
                    Dizzy Gillespie

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Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.