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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Germantown Stars Under The Stars

Germantown Artists Roundtable is one of PJP's best partners. We have done three very successful projects together. This summer Germantown Artists Roundtable has been very busy. We spoke with Paula Paul, one of the organizers of the group about their next big event: Germantown Stars Under The Stars which takes place on Friday, August 7th, 2015,   Read More....

Tags : GermantownArtistsRoundtable GermantownStarsUnderTheStars VernonPark MonneteSudler SoniaSanchez UrsulaRucker TrapetaMayson YolandaWisher QuickFixx KarenSmith MarkPalacio NzadiKeita DariusLantz CoffeeAfterDark FreeAdmission


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Philly Jazz Quotes

The stuff McCoy Tyner did was earth-shattering for me. The modal thing, the way he voiced chords in fourths, the way he used the pentatonic scale -- all those things were very new.
Kenny Barron

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Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.