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Polished Brass - Pop Up Concert

Francis JohnsonPolished Brass - Pop Up Concert

Friday, April 7, 2017, 12:45pm

Reading Terminal Market

51 N. 12th Street,

Philadelphia, PA 19107


The Reading Terminal Market and Philadelphia Jazz Project Present A FREE POP UP CONCERT, featuring the debut of Polished Brass Ensemble performing a Francis Johnson composition, arranged by musician/educator, Jay Fluellen.


Polished Brass at The Reading Terminal Market: A Spontaneous Musical Combustion is a special 25 minute, Jazz Month Pop Up concert with a special brass-based group, called the Polished Brass Ensemble. The concert will celebrate the music of the influential, but sometimes, forgotten Philadelphia music pioneer, Francis Johnson.


Francis Johnson Factoids:

▪ Born 1792 - Died 1844

▪ First Black American to have his music published in America

▪ First American musician to tour Europe

▪ Played for Queen Victoria in the UK

▪ Early adopter of the Keyed Bugle - Precursor to the Trumpet

▪ Introduced Americans to the Promenade, or the Prom…Yes. The Prom!!

▪ One of the first musicians to play music with treatments, that would be later called Jazz


The song to be performed is entitled, "Honor To The Brave" written by Francis Johnson in 1824. Also called "General Lafayette's Grand March For Band." The ensemble will interpret the song in a contemporary fashion, while honoring the key innovations introduced by Johnson.


To find out more about Francis Johnson, Click Here or Here


Polished Brass - Pop Up Concert

Friday, April 7, 2017, 12:45pm

Reading Terminal Market

51 N. 12th Street,

Philadelphia, PA 19107


A few years ago, PJP debuted another group, Tenor Madness in a very similar fashion at the Reading Terminal Market as well. Take a look at what happened below:



Polished Brass Ensemble:

• Dan Nosheny - Tuba

• Dan Blacksberg - Trombone

• Connor Przybyszewski - Trombone

• Nick Lombardelli - Trombone

• Paul Giess - Trumpet

• Charles Washington - Trumpet

• Matthew Stewart - Trumpet

• Lucky Thompson - Drums

• Karen Smith - Percussion

• Jay Fluellen - Arranger


Grab a friend and head to Reading Terminal for lunch on Friday, April 7th and Celebrate Jazz Appreciation Month - Philly Style with a POP UP CONCERT. It's FREE admission and open to the public, but of course, you'll want to grab something delicious at The Reading Terminal Market.


Polished Brass - Pop Up Concert

Friday, April 7, 2017, 12:45pm

Reading Terminal Market

51 N. 12th Street,

Philadelphia, PA19107


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Polished Brass - Pop Up Concert is produced by Philadelphia Jazz Project in collaboration with The Reading Terminal Market.


PJP Logo      Reading Terminal Market


Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Wyncote Foundation.


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Tags : FrancisJohnson PolishedBrassEnsemble PolishedBrass HonorToTheBrave GeneralLafayette'sGrandMarchForBand ReadingTerminalMarket PhiladelphiaJazzProject POPUPCONCERT JayFluellen JazzAppreciationMonth DanNosheny DanBlacksberg ConnorPrzybyszewski NickLombardelli PaulGiess CharlesWashington MatthewStewart LuckyThompson KarenSmith.PhillyJazz


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Philly Jazz Quotes

Jazz is a phenomenon. …it's an element that was created that almost lacks definition. Because it's endless.
Trudy Pitts

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Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.