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SEPTEMBER 10TH & 24TH, 3-5 PM THE PRICE OF A RAINBOW by Marcell Bellinger Brass Quartet Composed by Marcell Bellinger & Paul Giess Featuring Marcell Bellinger & Alan Nelson Fairmount Water Works 640 Waterworks Dr., Philadelphia, PA 19130 (In Fairmount Park Near Phila Museum Of Art)   Free And Open To The Public (Concert will most   Read More....

Tags : POOL POOLExhibition FairmountWaterWorks SPLASH CONCESSIONS MarcellBellinger PaulGiess BrassQuartet BillSaurman SamTurley AlanNelson Katrina Hurricanes Tornadoes Storms ZipCodes PhilaJazzTapEnsemble Bethlehem BethlehemRoberson PamelaHetherington JazzTap KeishaHutchinsHirlinger KeishaHirlinger DougHirlinger FairmountPark SocialHistory Segregation KellyPool HomerJackson PhiladelphiaJazzProject Racism VictoriaPrizzia Habithèque ChefValerieErwin ValerieErwin GeecheeGirlRiceCafe GeecheeGirl PewCenterforArts&Heritage PhilaWaterDepartment PhillyJazz


SATURDAY AUGUST 13TH & 27TH, 3-5 PM TROUBLE THE WATER by Philadelphia Jazz Tap Ensemble Featuring Bethlehem & Pamela Hetherington Fairmount Water Works 640 Waterworks Dr., Philadelphia, PA 19130 (In Fairmount Park Near Phila Museum Of Art)   Free And Open To The Public   A project by Victoria Prizzia of Habithèque   Read More....

Tags : POOL POOLExhibition FairmountWaterWorks SPLASH CONCESSIONS PhilaJazzTapEnsemblem Bethlehem BethlehemRoberson PamelaHetherington JazzTap KeishaHutchinsHirlinger KeishaHirlinger DougHirlinger MarcellBellinger PaulGiess BrassQuartet FairmountPark SocialHistory Segregation KellyPool HomerJackson PhiladelphiaJazzProject Racism VictoriaPrizzia Habithèque ChefValerieErwin ValerieErwin GeecheeGirlRiceCafe GeecheeGirl PewCenterforArts&Heritage PhilaWaterDepartment PhillyJazz


SATURDAY, JULY 16TH & 30TH, 3-5 PM WATER SPEAKS by Keisha Hutchins Hirlinger & Doug Hirlinger Fairmount Water Works 640 Waterworks Dr., Philadelphia, PA 19130 (In Fairmount Park Near Phila Museum Of Art) Free And Open To The Public   POOL: A Social History of Segregation is a museum exhibition at the Fairmount Water Works   Read More....

Tags : POOL POOLExhibition FairmountWaterWorks SPLASH CONCESSIONS KeishaHutchinsHirlinger KeishaHirlinger DougHirlinger PhiladelphiaJazzTapEnsemble BethlehemRoberson PamelaHetherington MarcellBellinger PaulGiess BrassQuartet FairmountPark SocialHistory Segregation KellyPool HomerJackson PhiladelphiaJazzProject Racism VictoriaPrizzia Habithèque ChefValerieErwin ValerieErwin GeecheeGirlRiceCafe GeecheeGirl PewCenterforArts&Heritage PhiladelphiaWaterDepartment PhillyJazz


SPLASH / CONCESSIONS AT POOL EXHIBITION Select Saturdays in July, August and September from 3pm - 5pm Fairmount Water Works 640 Waterworks Dr., Philadelphia, PA 19130 (In Fairmount Park Near Phila Museum Of Art) Free And Open To The Public   As you may know, the exhibition POOL: A Social History of Segregation has reopened after   Read More....

Tags : POOL POOLExhibition FairmountWaterWorks SPLASH CONCESSIONS KeishaHutchinsHirlinger DougHirlinger PhiladelphiaJazzTapEnsemble BethlehemRoberson PamelaHetherington MarcellBellinger PaulGiess BrassQuartet FairmountPark SocialHistory Segregation KellyPool HomerJackson PhiladelphiaJazzProject Racism VictoriaPrizzia Habithèque ChefValerieErwin ValerieErwin GeecheeGirlRiceCafe GeecheeGirl PewCenterforArts&Heritage PhiladelphiaWaterDepartment PhillyJazz

Phound Sounds Podcast

PHOUND SOUNDS PODCAST Published Monthly on the 15th day of the month Hosted by trumpeter Paul Giess LEARN MORE HERE:   This current period has shifted so many aspects of our lives. The ways we work. They ways we travel or don't travel. They ways we communicate. The internet, which has been continually transforming our lives, since   Read More....

Tags : PhoundSounds Podcast MonthlyPodcast Philadelphia Musician OriginalMusic PaulGiess Talk Discussion Solutions MervinToussaint EricaCorbo MonnetteSudler MicahGraves MollieRose Tether ConnorO'Neill PhiladelphiaClefClub CenterforCreativeWorks PhillyJazz

Announcing The Walt Whitman Mixtape Series

I am as bad as the worst, but, thank God, I am as good as the best.                                                    Read More....

Tags : WaltWhitman Whitman WhitmanAt200 Poet Poetry WhitmanCelebration 19thCentury 200thBirthday Modern NewSongsOfTheOpenRoad SongsOfTheOpenRoad Camden Philadelphia UPennLibraries KislakCenter WaverlyAlston TobyVEnTMartin JamesSolomon HomerJackson LennyBelasco BrittanieSterner JohnWallBarger CharlesCarr VeronicaBowlan AutumnMcClintock PaulGiess MichelleMyers PhillyJazz JazzMixtape Mixtape

First Friday! At the Barnes: Philly Makes The World Go Round

First Friday! At the Barnes: PHILLY MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND Featuring Alfie Pollitt & Tony TNT Jones January 4th, 2019 at 6pm The Barnes Foundation 2025 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy Philadelphia, PA 19130 FOR TICKETS   Philadelphia Jazz Project is thrilled to bring the magic to the new year as part of the Barnes Foundation’s First   Read More....

Tags : FirstFriday TheBarnesFoundation PhillyMakesTheWorldGoRound Philadelphia Soul Jazz R&B AlfiePollitt TonyTNTJones TeddyPendergrass NinaSimone NormanConnors SisterSledge AlexaGold AlexisSimmons AnthonyDeCarlo TaskerHouse PaulGiess TimPrice Harry“Butch”Reed PhillyJazz PhillySoul PhillyR&B PhillyMusic

Satellites #4 Concert Quiz

Satellites #4 February 21st, 2017 / 8pm Satellites Are Spinning: A Sizzling, Sonic Celebration of Sun Ra Johnny Brenda’s 1201 Frankford Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19125   To BUY Tickets: Click Here     Satellites Are Spinning: A Sizzling, Sonic Celebration of Sun Ra is a concert series featuring 8 performances at some   Read More....

Tags : Satellites CelebrationofSunRa SunRa 8Concerts Quiz Contest WinTickets BertHarris KevinDiehl PaulGiess TheWillowTrio Arkestra BarnesFoundation ArdmoreMusicHall JohnnyBrenda’s Planetarium FranklinInstitute WorldCafeLive SunRaMixtape JazzPoetry Hiphop Rock Blues Avant-Garde ParrisLove JazzMixtape PhillyJazz

Satellites #4 - Kevin Diehl

Satellites #4 February 21st, 2018 / 8pm Satellites Are Spinning: A Sizzling, Sonic Celebration of Sun Ra Johnny Brenda’s 1201 Frankford Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19125 For Tickets: Click Here   Continuing the exploration started by our Sun Ra Mixtape Series celebrating the influence of the Philadelphia, visionary musician,   Read More....

Tags : Satellites CelebrationofSunRa SunRa 8Concerts TheWillowTrio KevinDiehl PaulGiess BertHarris DavidMiddleton ArkestraBarnesFoundation ArdmoreMusicHall JohnnyBrenda’s Planetarium FranklinInstitute WorldCafeLive SunRaMixtape JazzPoetry Hiphop Rock Blues Avant-Garde Jazz MixtapeMarshallAllen EricaCorbo SpaceWhaleOrchestra JuneLopez RaphaelXavier ParrisLove\' TimPrice JoshLee TerryLawson JuliaLopez PhillyJazz

The Sound Of Progress - Songs For John Henry

The Sound Of Progress: Songs For John Henry Sunday, January 14, 2018, 3:00pm   Philadelphia Museum of Art 2600 Benjamin Franklin Parkway Phila., PA 19130   The program is FREE with Museum admission. Pre-order Museum tickets for a discounted rate CLICK HERE. Scroll down and click the orange button that says “Buy Now And   Read More....

Tags : SoundOfProgress SongsForJohnHenry JohnHenry JerryPinckney JuliusLester PhilaMuseumofArt FolkTale FolkSong FolkHero Post-CivilWar PaulGiess JamesSolomon WilliamBrock TonyJones TomLowery EdStokes KunuBi ConnorPrzybyszewski ErnestStuart WaverlyAlston SonniDey HelenaReid CyrileTrawick SirjazWatson HomerJackson PhilaMuseumofArt Philadelphia PhillyJazz

Satellites Series: A Sizzling, Sonic Celebration of Sun Ra

Satellites Are Spinning: A Sizzling, Sonic Celebration of Sun Ra   In the fall of 2014, Philadelphia Jazz Project developed a special mixtape project honoring the immeasurable imaginative genius of the late Philadelphia, visionary musician, philosopher, composer and band leader, Sun Ra [1914 to 1993]. This unique challenge provided an   Read More....

Tags : Satellites CelebrationofSunRa 8Concerts BarnesFoundation ArdmoreMusicHall JohnnyBrenda’s Planetarium FranklinInstitute WorldCafeLive SunRaMixtape Jazz Poetry Hiphop Rock Blues Avant-Garde JazzMixtape KimPedroRodriguez DanBlacksberg NasirDickerson FrankRein MatthewClayton DocLong ConnorPrzybyszewski TaraMiddleton DMHotep DavidMiddleton RaphaelXavier PaulGiess AlanNelson SteveGokh LeonardBelasco ShermanFleming BertHarris LarryPrice AlonzoJennings KevinDiehl KevinValentine DariusLantz SpaceWhaleOrchestra Bethlehem MattSwayzie DJEAR2EAR TajiNahl TerryLawson V.ShayneFrederick ElliottLevin Twizzmatic PhillyJazz

HotHouse At PAFA Mixtape

HotHouse: PJP's musical laboratory for Jazz/New Music/Improvisors and Cutting Edge Artists - providing a public space for experimentation, rehearsals, concept and project development with an audience-response/dialogue component built in. HotHouse presented a series of five events at The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, as part of PAFA   Read More....

Tags : HotHouse PAFA PAFAAfterDark MusicalLaboratory PhillyJazz NewMusic Improvisors VinceTampio BertHarris PaulGiess KevinDiehl ChrisCoyle OutsideSound ElijahThomas DaveSanders DougHirlinger PennsylvaniaAcademyoftheFineArts KeithDeStefanoPuzzlebox BassintheFace SkylerHagner JoshLee NickLombardelli DanNosheny JoeFalcey LarryPrice NimrodSpeaks KevinDiehl SonicLiberationFront

Polished Brass - Pop Up Concert

Polished Brass - Pop Up Concert Friday, April 7, 2017, 12:45pm Reading Terminal Market 51 N. 12th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107   The Reading Terminal Market and Philadelphia Jazz Project Present A FREE POP UP CONCERT, featuring the debut of Polished Brass Ensemble performing a Francis Johnson composition, arranged by   Read More....

Tags : FrancisJohnson PolishedBrassEnsemble PolishedBrass HonorToTheBrave GeneralLafayette'sGrandMarchForBand ReadingTerminalMarket PhiladelphiaJazzProject POPUPCONCERT JayFluellen JazzAppreciationMonth DanNosheny DanBlacksberg ConnorPrzybyszewski NickLombardelli PaulGiess CharlesWashington MatthewStewart LuckyThompson KarenSmith.PhillyJazz

Bohème Big Band Love Fest

V. Shayne Frederick is a pianist, vocalist and poet, who trained with master keyboardist, Trudy Pitts and has performed at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Barnes Foundation, SugarHouse Casino, Suzanne Roberts Theatre, Resorts Casino, Society Hill Playhouse, Philadelphia Clef Club for Performing Arts, African-American Museum in Philadelphia and   Read More....

Tags : BohémeBigBand Valentine'sDay LoveFest V.ShayneFrederick MarcellBellinger KendrahButler ChrisCoyle KharyAbdul-Shaeed PaulGiess TyreeBarron Ellington QuincyJones GilEvans MilesDavis Jazz Funk Blues PhillyJazz

Announcing Sun Ra Mixtape # 6

Happy Winter Solstice!!! If you're not aware, the winter solstice, for the Northern Hemisphere is the shortest day of the calendar year. Shortest day because it is the shortest period of sunlight, with the longest period of darkness. Which also gives us the longest night.   Human beings have tracked the sun’s path across the sky for   Read More....

Tags : SunRaMixtape Mixtape#6 SunRaArkestra MarshallAllen Jazz Poetry Hiphop PhillyJazz JazzMixtape PJPMixtapeSeries TaraMiddleton SaudahAlAkbar Bethlehem JayeSanders TerryLawson AlanNelson RaphaelXavier DavidMiddleton PaulGiess SteveGokh SonniDey V.ShayneFrederick DanHanrahan SonnySunkettandothers.

Bohème Big Band Holiday Swing Thing

V. Shayne Frederick is a pianist, vocalist and poet. He and colleague, trumpeter, pianist and composer, Marcell Bellinger have been performing as the Bohéme Band: a retro Jazz ensemble with love of Swing, BeBop and Early R&B. Join them for a special holiday event, featuring a larger ensemble with Chris Coyle: bass and Khary Abdul-Shaeed:   Read More....

Tags : BohémeBigBand'sHolidayFiesta V.ShayneFrederick MarcellBellinger CiboRistorante BohémeBand ChrisCoyle KharyAbdul-Shaeed PaulGiess NzingaBanks HarryForlenza-Bailey TyreeBarron CharlieParker Jazz Funk Gospel Blues Classical PhillyJazz

Announcing Sun Ra Mixtape # 5

In the fall of 2014, Philadelphia Jazz Project [PJP] developed a unique challenge for DJs, producers, electronic musicians, turntablists, singers, poets, and/or rappers, as well as solos by instrumentalists to honor the immeasurable imaginative genius of the late Philadelphia, visionary musician, philosopher, composer and band leader, Sun Ra   Read More....

Tags : SunRaMixtape Mixtape#5 SunRaArkestra MarshallAllen Jazz Poetry Hiphop PhillyJazz JazzMixtape PJPMixtapeSeries LeonardBelasco LotusBarron TerryLawson AlanNelson ShermanFleming FaridBarron Price/SpeaksDiehlTrio larryPrice NimrodSpeaks KevinDiehl DJEAR2EAR DavidMiddleton TaraMiddleton B.i.DOUBLLE PaulGiess SteveTysonJr

Hothouse @ PAFA After Dark - Chris Coyle

HotHouse At PAFA After Dark Concert Series Wednesday, October 5 - 7PM / Chris Coyle & Outside Sound Ensemble Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts / PAFA 118-128 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19102 For Tickets: Click Here   Hothouse events are FREE of charge, but you must pay museum admission to attend.   HotHouse: A musical   Read More....

Tags : HotHouse PAFA PAFAAfterDark MusicalLaboratory PhillyJazz NewMusic Improvisors ChrisCoyle ReadingPA OutsideSound PaulGiess ElijahThomas DaveSanders DougHirlinger team-work chamber-jazz visualart PAFA PennsylvaniaAcademyoftheFineArts

Hothouse At PAFA After Dark - The Willow Trio

HotHouse At PAFA After Dark Concert Series Wednesday, September 7 - 7PM / The Willow Trio Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts / PAFA 118-128 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19102 For Tickets: Click Here HotHouse: A musical laboratory for Jazz/New Music/Improvisors and Cutting Edge Artists - providing a public space for experimentation,   Read More....

Tags : HotHouse PAFA PAFAAfterDark MusicalLaboratory PhillyJazz NewMusic Improvisors TheWillowTrio BertHarris PaulGiess KevinDiehl Reggae Ska NewOrleansFunkandBlues Straight-AheadJazz Avant-GardeJazz PennsylvaniaAcademyoftheFineArts


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Philly Jazz Quotes

Jazz is a phenomenon. …it's an element that was created that almost lacks definition. Because it's endless.
Trudy Pitts

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Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.