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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Celebrating Sun Ra

ANNOUNCING NEW FREE MIXTAPES TO CELEBRATE SUN RA, CLICK HERE.   Arriving on our planet as a child on May 22nd, 1914 in Birmingham, Alabama: Ironically referred to as The Magic City, Sun Ra also died there in 1993. Gone from his physical form for 29 years, his influence and the audience for his work, continues to grow. Sun Ra was a   Read More....

Tags : SunRa SunRaArkestra Mixtape JazzMixtape FreeMusic FreeMixtape Jazz Poetry Hiphop Birmingham TheMagicCity WRTI J.MichaelHarrison SatellitesAreSpinning SonicCelebration BarnesFoundation ArdmoreMusicHall JohnnyBrendas Planetarium FranklinInstitute WorldCafeLive VolkerGoetze DouglasEwart KingKhan OdeanPope TerryLawson WayneSmithJr SpaceWhaleOrchestra DMHotep TimPrice ParrisLove AlexaGold Bushmeat Satellites SaudahAlAkbar PhillyJazz

Always Celebrating Trane

  "I'd like to point out to people the divine in a musical language that transcends words. I want to speak to their souls."   ——  John Coltrane   One of the most important artists of the 20th century was a Philadelphian. He was our neighbor. He walked among us. He lived among us. He was not born here, but he   Read More....

Tags : CelebratingTrane TalkAboutYou JohnColtrane September23rd ColtraneCelebration AlfiePollitt AlanNelson PeteChavez BobbyZankel TerryLawson VictorNorth NasirDickerson SamReed LarryMcKenna TimPrice JulianPressley CharlesCunningham ElliottLevin LarryPrice GeorgeBarron JoshLee PeteChavez LynnRiley CarlGrubbs BillyHarper ImmanuelWilkins OleMathisen MichaelAndrews ChrisOatts WillieWilliams WorldtownSoundsystem HenryTirfe FairmountPark JazzMixtape FreeDownload PhillyJazz

Summer Sounds 2018 - Greatest Hits Mixtape

During the summer of 2018, in partnership with VISIT PHILADELPHIA, the Philadelphia Jazz Project, presented 90 FREE performances in 45 days in Philadelphia's, historic Old City District. From Friday, June 1 through Friday, September 7, 2018, five different Philadelphia musical ensembles, each presented concerts for three weeks. Back in the   Read More....

Tags : Philadelphia SummerSounds GreatestHits VisitPhilly HistoricDistrict FreeConcerts OutdoorConcerts OldCity SocietyHill DelawareRiverWaterfront PhiladelphiaJazzProject OldCitySaxQuartet DerrickEl TerryLawson ElliotLevin TimPrice JoshLee BigBrass4tet RobH.Henderson DanNosheny FrankRein KoofibiUmoren VictorNorth AfricanAmericanMuseum BetsyRossHouse ChristChurch FranklinSquare IVCCCafé MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution NationalConstitutionCenter SpruceStreetHarborPark TheBourse PhillyJazz

Summer Sounds 2018 - Victor North Mixtape

During the summer of 2018, in partnership with VISIT PHILADELPHIA, the Philadelphia Jazz Project, presented 90 FREE performances in 45 days in Philadelphia's, historic Old City District. From Friday, June 1 through Friday, September 7, 2018, five different Philadelphia musical ensembles, each presented concerts for three weeks. Back in the   Read More....

Tags : Philadelphia SummerSounds VisitPhilly HistoricDistrict FreeConcerts OutdoorConcerts OldCity SocietyHill DelawareRiverWaterfront PhiladelphiaJazzProject OldCitySaxQuartet DerrickEl TerryLawson ElliotLevin TimPrice JoshLee BigBrass4tet RobH.Henderson DanNosheny FrankRein KoofibiUmoren VictorNorth AfricanAmericanMuseum BetsyRossHouse ChristChurch FranklinSquare IVCCCafé MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution NationalConstitutionCenter SpruceStreetHarborPark TheBourse PhillyJazz

Summer Sounds 2018 - Big Brass 4tet Mixtape

During the summer of 2018, in partnership with VISIT PHILADELPHIA, the Philadelphia Jazz Project, presented 90 FREE performances in 45 days in Philadelphia's, historic Old City District. From Friday, June 1 through Friday, September 7, 2018, five different Philadelphia musical ensembles, each presented concerts for three weeks. Back in the   Read More....

Tags : Philadelphia SummerSounds VisitPhilly HistoricDistrict FreeConcerts OutdoorConcerts OldCity SocietyHill DelawareRiverWaterfront PhiladelphiaJazzProject OldCitySaxQuartet DerrickEl TerryLawson ElliotLevin TimPrice JoshLee BigBrass4tet RobH.Henderson DanNosheny FrankRein KoofibiUmoren VictorNorth AfricanAmericanMuseum BetsyRossHouse ChristChurch FranklinSquare IVCCCafé MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution NationalConstitutionCenter SpruceStreetHarborPark TheBourse PhillyJazz

Summer Sounds 2018 - Tim Price Mixtape

During the summer of 2018, in partnership with VISIT PHILADELPHIA, the Philadelphia Jazz Project, presented 90 FREE performances in 45 days in Philadelphia's, historic Old City District. From Friday, June 1 through Friday, September 7, 2018, five different Philadelphia musical ensembles, each presented concerts for three weeks. Back in the   Read More....

Tags : Philadelphia SummerSounds VisitPhilly HistoricDistrict FreeConcerts OutdoorConcerts OldCity SocietyHill DelawareRiverWaterfront PhiladelphiaJazzProject OldCitySaxQuartet DerrickEl TerryLawson ElliotLevin TimPrice JoshLee BigBrass4tet RobH.Henderson DanNosheny FrankRein KoofibiUmoren VictorNorth AfricanAmericanMuseum BetsyRossHouse ChristChurch FranklinSquare IVCCCafé MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution NationalConstitutionCenter SpruceStreetHarborPark TheBourse PhillyJazz

Summer Sounds 2018 - Old City Sax Quartet Mixtape

During the summer of 2018, in partnership with VISIT PHILADELPHIA, the Philadelphia Jazz Project, presented 90 FREE performances in 45 days in Philadelphia's, historic Old City District. From Friday, June 1 through Friday, September 7, 2018, five different Philadelphia musical ensembles, each presented concerts for three weeks. Back in the   Read More....

Tags : Philadelphia SummerSounds VisitPhilly HistoricDistrict FreeConcerts OutdoorConcerts OldCity SocietyHill DelawareRiverWaterfront PhiladelphiaJazzProject OldCitySaxQuartet DerrickEl TerryLawson ElliotLevin TimPrice JoshLee BigBrass4tet RobH.Henderson DanNosheny FrankRein KoofibiUmoren VictorNorth AfricanAmericanMuseum BetsyRossHouse ChristChurch FranklinSquare IVCCCafé MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution NationalConstitutionCenter SpruceStreetHarborPark TheBourse PhillyJazz

Summer Sounds 2018 - Mixtape Series

During the summer of 2018, in partnership with VISIT PHILADELPHIA, the Philadelphia Jazz Project, presented 90 FREE performances in 45 days in Philadelphia's, historic Old City District. From Friday, June 1 through Friday, September 7, 2018, five different Philadelphia musical ensembles, each presented concerts for three weeks. Back in the   Read More....

Tags : Philadelphia SummerSounds VisitPhilly HistoricDistrict FreeConcerts OutdoorConcerts OldCity SocietyHill DelawareRiverWaterfront PhiladelphiaJazzProject OldCitySaxQuartet DerrickEl TerryLawson ElliotLevin TimPrice JoshLee BigBrass4tet RobH.Henderson DanNosheny FrankRein KoofibiUmoren VictorNorth AfricanAmericanMuseum BetsyRossHouse ChristChurch FranklinSquare IVCCCafé MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution NationalConstitutionCenter SpruceStreetHarborPark TheBourse PhillyJazz

Celebrate Coltrane 2019

On September 21st, 2019, the Philadelphia Jazz Project and it's partners will present another celebration of one of America's greatest artists and a neighbor to many Philadelphians: John Coltrane.   CELEBRATE COLTRANE 2019!   DATE & TIMES: September 21st, 2019 12:00 noon to 10:00pm FREE ADMISSION!!!   LOCATIONS: 4 Stages   Read More....

Tags : JohnColtrane Coltrane ColtraneCelebration Birthday Philadelphia FairmountPark Avant-GardeJazz HardBop TenorMadness ForceForGood SaxQuartet SamReed CarlGrubbs BillyHarper EllaGahnt BobbyZankel JulianPressley MichaelPedicin TimPrice JaleelShaw ImmanuelWilkins OleMathisen MichaelAndrews AlfiePollitt AlanNelson MarkAllen WillieWilliams WaverlyAlston WorldtownSoundsystem HenryTirfe FreeConcert OutdoorConcert PhillyJazz

Coltrane Celebration - Save The Date

On September 21st, 2019, the Philadelphia Jazz Project and it's partners will present another celebration of one of America's greatest artists and a neighbor to many Philadelphians: John Coltrane.   In the past, we have presented such exceptional artists as, Odean Pope, James Carter, Sam Reed, Larry McKenna, Carl Grubbs, Greg Osby, Tim   Read More....

Tags : JohnColtrane Coltrane ColtraneCelebration Birthday Philadelphia FairmountPark Avant-GardeJazz HardBop OdeanPope JamesCarter SamReed LarryMcKenna CarlGrubbs GregOsby TimPrice SuzanneBurgess AzarLawrence SonnyFortune Eye2EyeTrio BillyHarper PaulJost LuckyThompson KoreyRiker JoshLee ChrisStevens FreeConcert OutdoorConcert PhillyJazz

Sounds of the Revolution - Revisiting Fife & Drum

Sounds of the Revolution - Revisiting Fife & Drum Saturday, August 17 – Performances at 11am & 1pm The Museum of the American Revolution 101 S 3rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 Admission Information   What was the soundtrack of 18th-century America? Fife and Drum was definitely a part of the musical story of the times. A Fife   Read More....

Tags : MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution Fife Drum FifeAndDrum FrancisJohnson YankeeDoodleDandy MarchingBand MilitaryMusic Jazz Blues Improvisation Freedom MarcAdler WaliBickley TimPrice EdStokes JoshuaMachiz KennethBrinquitoBurney KevinDiehl KimPedro TomLowery DouglasEwart PhillyJazz

First Friday! At the Barnes: Philly Makes The World Go Round

First Friday! At the Barnes: PHILLY MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND Featuring Alfie Pollitt & Tony TNT Jones January 4th, 2019 at 6pm The Barnes Foundation 2025 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy Philadelphia, PA 19130 FOR TICKETS   Philadelphia Jazz Project is thrilled to bring the magic to the new year as part of the Barnes Foundation’s First   Read More....

Tags : FirstFriday TheBarnesFoundation PhillyMakesTheWorldGoRound Philadelphia Soul Jazz R&B AlfiePollitt TonyTNTJones TeddyPendergrass NinaSimone NormanConnors SisterSledge AlexaGold AlexisSimmons AnthonyDeCarlo TaskerHouse PaulGiess TimPrice Harry“Butch”Reed PhillyJazz PhillySoul PhillyR&B PhillyMusic

Acknowledgement - Always Celebrating Coltrane

  One of the most important artists of the 20th century was a Philadelphian. He was our neighbor. He walked among us. He lived among us. He was not born here, but he became a man and a professional musician here. We celebrate his birthday every September 23rd.   But, we actually celebrate his mastery, his creativity and his   Read More....

Tags : JazzWalk ColtraneAt90 JohnColtrane ColtraneCelebration Birthday Philadelphia AlfiePollitt AlanNelson PeteChavez BobbyZankel TerryLawson VictorNorth NasirDickerson SamReed LarryMcKenna TimPrice JulianPressley CharlesCunningham ElliottLevin LarryPrice FairmountPark Avant-GardeJazz HardBop PhillyJazz JazzMixtape FreeConcert OutdoorConcert FreeDownload PhillyJazz

Summer Sounds

From Friday, June 1 through Friday, September 7, the Summer Sounds In The Historic District free music series delivers sweet tunes at nearly a dozen locations in Old City, Society Hill and along the Delaware River waterfront.   Produced by VISIT PHILADELPHIA in partnership with Veteran Freshman, the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation,   Read More....

Tags : Philadelphia SummerSounds VisitPhilly HistoricDistrict FreeConcerts OutdoorConcerts OldCity SocietyHill DelawareRiverWaterfront StreetCornerSymphonies PhiladelphiaJazzProject OldCitySaxQuartet DerrickEl TerryLawson ElliotLevin TimPrice JoshLee Simmons-GreenfieldQuartet St.ClairSimmons SamGreenfield BigBrass4tet RobH.Henderson DanNosheny FrankRein KoofibiUmoren VictorNorth AfricanAmericanMuseum BetsyRossHouse Carpenters’Hall ChristChurch FranklinSquare IVCCCafé MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution NationalConstitutionCenter SummerFest SpruceStreetHarborPark TheBourse PhillyJazz

Satellites #7 - J. Michael Harrison & Homer Jackson

Satellites #7 May 30th, 2018 / 8pm - CORRECTION!!! Satellites Are Spinning: A Sizzling, Sonic Celebration of Sun Ra World Cafe Live 3025 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104   For Tickets: CLICK HERE   Continuing the exploration started by our Sun Ra Mixtape Series celebrating the influence of the Philadelphia, visionary   Read More....

Tags : JMichaelHarrison HomerJackson Satellites SunRa FranklinInstitute BarnesFoundation ArdmoreMusicHall JohnnyBrenda’s WorldCafeLive PhillyCAM SunRaMixtape WRTI PhillyJazz KevinDiehl KimPedro MalikHenry Atakatune RonHowerton DanKaplowitz JockoMcNelly TimPrice MatthewClayton AdamFaulk Bethlehem PheralynDove RaphaelXavier

Tenor Madness - Jazz Walk Mixtape

In September of 2016, Philadelphia Jazz Project [PJP] and a group of collaborators presented nine days of free events celebrating the 90th birthday of the legendary Philadelphia Jazz artist, John Coltrane. It was called, Coltrane At 90: Philadelphia Celebrates John Coltrane: A nine day celebration of John Coltrane. Among the many events that   Read More....

Tags : TenorMadness TenorSax Celebration JohnColtrane SonnyRollins SamReed PeteChavez CharlesCunningham LarryMcKenna TimPrice JulianPressley GilbertoCruz KennyDavis JeffJohnson ColtraneAt90 FairmountPark ColtraneHouse 90thBirthday JazzWalk JazzMixtape FreeConcert Mixtape PhillyJazz

Satellites #4 - Kevin Diehl

Satellites #4 February 21st, 2018 / 8pm Satellites Are Spinning: A Sizzling, Sonic Celebration of Sun Ra Johnny Brenda’s 1201 Frankford Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19125 For Tickets: Click Here   Continuing the exploration started by our Sun Ra Mixtape Series celebrating the influence of the Philadelphia, visionary musician,   Read More....

Tags : Satellites CelebrationofSunRa SunRa 8Concerts TheWillowTrio KevinDiehl PaulGiess BertHarris DavidMiddleton ArkestraBarnesFoundation ArdmoreMusicHall JohnnyBrenda’s Planetarium FranklinInstitute WorldCafeLive SunRaMixtape JazzPoetry Hiphop Rock Blues Avant-Garde Jazz MixtapeMarshallAllen EricaCorbo SpaceWhaleOrchestra JuneLopez RaphaelXavier ParrisLove\' TimPrice JoshLee TerryLawson JuliaLopez PhillyJazz

Tim Price - Jazz Walk Mixtape

In September of 2016, Philadelphia Jazz Project [PJP] and a group of collaborators presented nine days of free events celebrating the 90th birthday of the legendary Philadelphia Jazz artist, John Coltrane. It was called, Coltrane At 90: Philadelphia Celebrates John Coltrane: A nine day celebration of John Coltrane. Among the many events that   Read More....

Tags : TimPrice ReadingPA JazzWalk ColtraneAt90 JohnColtrane ColtraneCelebration Birthday Philadelphia FairmountPark MikeBoone RobMartino EastFairmountPark JohnColtraneHouse Avant-GardeJazz HardBop PhillyJazz JazzMixtape FreeConcert OutdoorConcert

Celebrating Coltrane 2017 - Thanks

"Overall, I think the main thing a musician would like to do is give to the listener the many wonderful things he knows of and senses in the universe…”   ——  John Coltrane       Many thanks to everyone who attended, participated, or wanted to join us in celebrating John Coltrane's 91st   Read More....

Tags : JohnColtrane ColtraneBirthdayCelebration Philadelphia WRTI PhillyCAM WPPM JazzNearYou FairmountParkConservancy SouthJazzCafe ClefClub FreeLibraryofPhiladelphia RittenhouseSoundworks ChasingTrane 7daysofevents OdeanPope SamReed CharlesCunningham TimPrice GeorgeBarron LarryPrice VictorNorth TerryLawson AlanNelson JoshLee LeonJordanSr NimrodSpeaks JimHolton PeteChavez JackSaintClaire LynnRiley BobbyZankel

Celebrating Coltrane 2017

  Bar none, John Coltrane is the most influential tenor saxophonist in jazz history. Whether it's his patented "sheets of sound," his rapid-fire improvisations or his bold cathartic wails, no aspiring jazz saxophonist can afford to neglect the music of Coltrane.      - - - - John Diliberto     I feel like I   Read More....

Tags : JohnColtrane ColtraneBirthdayCelebration Philadelphia WRTI PhillyCAM WPPM JazzNearYou FairmountParkConservancy SouthJazzCafe ClefClub FreeLibraryofPhiladelphia RittenhouseSoundworks ChasingTrane 7daysofevents OdeanPope TerryLawson AlanNelson JoshLee LeonJordanSr NimrodSpeaks JimHolton TimPrice SamReed PeteChavez JackSaintClaire ChrisOatts DylanPrincipi LynnRiley BobbyZankel

Best Of Frosty Mixtape

Happy Holiday everyone!! For three years, from 2013 through 2015, PJP presented the Frosty Holiday Concert Series. Taking place at the historic, Irvine Auditorium on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania in West Philadelphia, over 2,500 people witnessed those awesome, family friendly events. Speaking of family friendly, families and   Read More....

Tags : Frosty BestOfFrosty Mixtape Xmas HolidayMusic XmasMusic FreeDownload J.MichaelHarrison WRTI FrostyConcertSeries IrvineAuditorium CarolHarris ParrisLove’ LarryMcKenna EllaGahnt KevinValentine WaverlyAustinITCOF JeffMurrell ChrisStevens PaulJost SamReed TimPrice PhillyJazz FreeMusic LarryMcKenna MichaelPedicin SamReed TimPrice KendrahButler TonyMiceli ConnorPrzybyszewski

Coltrane At 90 - Thanks

"I'd like to point out to people the divine in a musical language that transcends words. I want to speak to their souls."   ——  John Coltrane       Many thanks to everyone who attended, participated, or wanted to join us in celebrating John Coltrane's 90th birthday over these 9 amazing days. It   Read More....

Tags : ColtraneAt90 PhillyJazz JohnColtrane ColtraneBirthdayCelebration PhiladelphiaCelebratesColtrane TempleUniversityLibraries WRTI PhillyCAM JazzNearYou FREEConcert AzarLawrence TerryLawson DouglasEwart WorldTownSoundSystem AlanNelson JamesBrandonLewis ChrisStevens KoreyRiker JoshLee TimPrice SuzanneBurgess PaulJost SamReed PeteChavez RudreshMahanthappa BillyHarper WillieWilliams TenorMadness TimPrice OleMathisen DariusJones SpaceWhaleEnsemble Eye2EyeTrio LarryPrice JoshLee LaurenLarkJones MichaelAndrews Twizzmatic BehindTheBreaks ChrisOatts

Celebrating The Right Way

You may not have noticed it, but in our zeal to celebrate John Coltrane's 90th birthday, we gave you the years of his 100th birthday.   We incorrectly wrote on our logo, 1916 - 2016. It does now and should have read, 1926 - 2016.   Please forgive our haste. It was wrong. We made a mistake. It in no way speaks for our excitement,   Read More....

Tags : ColtraneAt90 JohnColtrane ColtraneBirthdayCelebration PhiladelphiaCelebratesColtrane TempleUniversityLibraries WRTI PhillyCAM JazzNearYou 9daysofFREEevents zarLawrence TerryLawson DouglasEwart WorldTownSoundSystem AlanNelson JamesBrandonLewis UmarRaheem ChrisStevens KoreyRiker JoshLee TimPrice MichaelPedicin SuzanneBurgess PaulJost SamReed PeteChavez

Celebrating Coltrane

September 17th to 25th, 2016 One of the most important artists of the 20th century was our neighbor. He walked among us. He lived among us. He was not born here, but he became a man and a professional musician here. We celebrate his birthday next month. September 23rd, 2016. He would have been 90 years old.   His name was John William   Read More....

Tags : ColtraneAt90 JohnColtrane ColtraneBirthdayCelebration PhiladelphiaCelebratesColtrane TempleUniversityLibraries WRTI PhillyCAM JazzNearYou 9daysofFREEevents zarLawrence TerryLawson DouglasEwart WorldTownSoundSystem AlanNelson JamesBrandonLewis UmarRaheem ChrisStevens KoreyRiker JoshLee TimPrice MichaelPedicin SuzanneBurgess PaulJost SamReed PeteChavez

Frosty 3! - Cool Holiday Jazz Celebration

Celebrate the Holidays with the Philadelphia Jazz Project! FROSTY 3: COOL HOLIDAY JAZZ CELEBRATION ....featuring some of Philadelphia's finest Jazz musicians. Frosty3! is co-produced and hosted by J. Michael Harrison. Hear him Fridays at 10:00 p.m. on The Bridge, on 90.1FM WRTI. SATURDAY | December 12th, 2015 | 3:00 p.m. IRVINE   Read More....

Tags : Frosty Frosty3 HolidayCelebration Jazz JeffScull KendrahButler NimrodSpeaks DarrylJackson DeniseMontana MichaelPedicinJr. TimPrice SamReed Family LarryMcKenna WaverlyAlston WaverlyAlstonIntheCompanyofFriends PaulJost ParrisLove JulieCharnet MaryEllenDesmond ChrisVance

Phila Songbook Concert Vol 2

 In February of 2014, PJP presented the very first Philadelphia Songbook Concert at Temple Performing Art Center [TPAC]. There were over 900 excited people in attendance. They saw an amazing concert with an all star band led by pianist Alfie Pollitt, featuring artists like Pablo Batista, Webb Thomas, Barbara Walker, Pete Chavez, Ella Gahnt,   Read More....

Tags : PhiladelphiaSongbookConcertVol.2 AmericanPhilosophicalSociety TerryKlinefelter SaudahAlAkbar ByronLandham BobMeashey TimPrice PaulKlinefelter MatthewClayton RonnieHowerton MiltonSuggs V.ShayneFrederick ThePhiladelphiaRealBookProject DavidDzubinski JazzBridge ClefClub

PJP’s Jazzy Christmas Celebration

From LOVE Park to Penn’s Landing, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Philadelphia is blessed with many family holiday traditions, including everyone’s favorite, the Wanamaker Organ Christmas Light Show.   Back in the day, families would go to the Gallery at Market East and sing holiday songs around the   Read More....

Tags : Frosty Frosty2 HolidayCelebration Jazz DianeMonroe RhendaFearrington DeniseMontana MichaelPedicinJr. FayeAnderson TimPrice SamReed BarbaraMontgomery EllaGahnt CarolHarris Family DivaNation TenorMadness


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Philly Jazz Quotes

The stuff McCoy Tyner did was earth-shattering for me. The modal thing, the way he voiced chords in fourths, the way he used the pentatonic scale -- all those things were very new.
Kenny Barron

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Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.