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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

We Shall Continue - Celebrating MLK 2021

  Jazz speaks for life. The Blues tell the story of life's difficulties, and if you think for a moment, you will realize that they take the hardest realities of life and put them into music, only to come out with some new hope or sense of triumph. This is triumphant music.              Read More....

Tags : WeShall MLKCelebration MartinLutherKingJr MLK KareemIdris TobyMartin JamesSolomon VShayneFrederick KendrahButler-Waters JockoMcNelly KimPedro Gospel Jazz Blues Affirmation Self-Determination Poetry Song Improvisation FaithSong PraiseSong FightSong LoveSong FreedomSong Jazz AmericanRevolution MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution PhillyCAM PhillyJazz

Summer Sounds 2018 - Greatest Hits Mixtape

During the summer of 2018, in partnership with VISIT PHILADELPHIA, the Philadelphia Jazz Project, presented 90 FREE performances in 45 days in Philadelphia's, historic Old City District. From Friday, June 1 through Friday, September 7, 2018, five different Philadelphia musical ensembles, each presented concerts for three weeks. Back in the   Read More....

Tags : Philadelphia SummerSounds GreatestHits VisitPhilly HistoricDistrict FreeConcerts OutdoorConcerts OldCity SocietyHill DelawareRiverWaterfront PhiladelphiaJazzProject OldCitySaxQuartet DerrickEl TerryLawson ElliotLevin TimPrice JoshLee BigBrass4tet RobH.Henderson DanNosheny FrankRein KoofibiUmoren VictorNorth AfricanAmericanMuseum BetsyRossHouse ChristChurch FranklinSquare IVCCCafé MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution NationalConstitutionCenter SpruceStreetHarborPark TheBourse PhillyJazz

Summer Sounds 2018 - Victor North Mixtape

During the summer of 2018, in partnership with VISIT PHILADELPHIA, the Philadelphia Jazz Project, presented 90 FREE performances in 45 days in Philadelphia's, historic Old City District. From Friday, June 1 through Friday, September 7, 2018, five different Philadelphia musical ensembles, each presented concerts for three weeks. Back in the   Read More....

Tags : Philadelphia SummerSounds VisitPhilly HistoricDistrict FreeConcerts OutdoorConcerts OldCity SocietyHill DelawareRiverWaterfront PhiladelphiaJazzProject OldCitySaxQuartet DerrickEl TerryLawson ElliotLevin TimPrice JoshLee BigBrass4tet RobH.Henderson DanNosheny FrankRein KoofibiUmoren VictorNorth AfricanAmericanMuseum BetsyRossHouse ChristChurch FranklinSquare IVCCCafé MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution NationalConstitutionCenter SpruceStreetHarborPark TheBourse PhillyJazz

Summer Sounds 2018 - Big Brass 4tet Mixtape

During the summer of 2018, in partnership with VISIT PHILADELPHIA, the Philadelphia Jazz Project, presented 90 FREE performances in 45 days in Philadelphia's, historic Old City District. From Friday, June 1 through Friday, September 7, 2018, five different Philadelphia musical ensembles, each presented concerts for three weeks. Back in the   Read More....

Tags : Philadelphia SummerSounds VisitPhilly HistoricDistrict FreeConcerts OutdoorConcerts OldCity SocietyHill DelawareRiverWaterfront PhiladelphiaJazzProject OldCitySaxQuartet DerrickEl TerryLawson ElliotLevin TimPrice JoshLee BigBrass4tet RobH.Henderson DanNosheny FrankRein KoofibiUmoren VictorNorth AfricanAmericanMuseum BetsyRossHouse ChristChurch FranklinSquare IVCCCafé MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution NationalConstitutionCenter SpruceStreetHarborPark TheBourse PhillyJazz

Summer Sounds 2018 - Tim Price Mixtape

During the summer of 2018, in partnership with VISIT PHILADELPHIA, the Philadelphia Jazz Project, presented 90 FREE performances in 45 days in Philadelphia's, historic Old City District. From Friday, June 1 through Friday, September 7, 2018, five different Philadelphia musical ensembles, each presented concerts for three weeks. Back in the   Read More....

Tags : Philadelphia SummerSounds VisitPhilly HistoricDistrict FreeConcerts OutdoorConcerts OldCity SocietyHill DelawareRiverWaterfront PhiladelphiaJazzProject OldCitySaxQuartet DerrickEl TerryLawson ElliotLevin TimPrice JoshLee BigBrass4tet RobH.Henderson DanNosheny FrankRein KoofibiUmoren VictorNorth AfricanAmericanMuseum BetsyRossHouse ChristChurch FranklinSquare IVCCCafé MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution NationalConstitutionCenter SpruceStreetHarborPark TheBourse PhillyJazz

Summer Sounds 2018 - Old City Sax Quartet Mixtape

During the summer of 2018, in partnership with VISIT PHILADELPHIA, the Philadelphia Jazz Project, presented 90 FREE performances in 45 days in Philadelphia's, historic Old City District. From Friday, June 1 through Friday, September 7, 2018, five different Philadelphia musical ensembles, each presented concerts for three weeks. Back in the   Read More....

Tags : Philadelphia SummerSounds VisitPhilly HistoricDistrict FreeConcerts OutdoorConcerts OldCity SocietyHill DelawareRiverWaterfront PhiladelphiaJazzProject OldCitySaxQuartet DerrickEl TerryLawson ElliotLevin TimPrice JoshLee BigBrass4tet RobH.Henderson DanNosheny FrankRein KoofibiUmoren VictorNorth AfricanAmericanMuseum BetsyRossHouse ChristChurch FranklinSquare IVCCCafé MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution NationalConstitutionCenter SpruceStreetHarborPark TheBourse PhillyJazz

Summer Sounds 2018 - Mixtape Series

During the summer of 2018, in partnership with VISIT PHILADELPHIA, the Philadelphia Jazz Project, presented 90 FREE performances in 45 days in Philadelphia's, historic Old City District. From Friday, June 1 through Friday, September 7, 2018, five different Philadelphia musical ensembles, each presented concerts for three weeks. Back in the   Read More....

Tags : Philadelphia SummerSounds VisitPhilly HistoricDistrict FreeConcerts OutdoorConcerts OldCity SocietyHill DelawareRiverWaterfront PhiladelphiaJazzProject OldCitySaxQuartet DerrickEl TerryLawson ElliotLevin TimPrice JoshLee BigBrass4tet RobH.Henderson DanNosheny FrankRein KoofibiUmoren VictorNorth AfricanAmericanMuseum BetsyRossHouse ChristChurch FranklinSquare IVCCCafé MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution NationalConstitutionCenter SpruceStreetHarborPark TheBourse PhillyJazz

We Shall Again - A Lyrical MLK Celebration

We Shall: A Lyrical MLK Celebration Saturday, January, 18th, 2020 at 3pm The Museum of the American Revolution 101 S 3rd Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 Admission Information   The Philadelphia Jazz Project has been invited to remount our exciting Martin Luther King performance at The Museum of the American Revolution. We Shall: A   Read More....

Tags : WeShall LyricalMLKCelebration MartinLutherKingJr MLK MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution KareemIdris TobyMartin VShayneFrederick JamesSolomon KendrahButlerWaters JockoMcNelly KimpedroRodriguez Gospel Jazz Blues affirmation selfdetermination poetry song improvisation faithsong praisesong fightsong lovesong PhillyJazz

Sounds of the Revolution - Revisiting Fife & Drum

Sounds of the Revolution - Revisiting Fife & Drum Saturday, August 17 – Performances at 11am & 1pm The Museum of the American Revolution 101 S 3rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 Admission Information   What was the soundtrack of 18th-century America? Fife and Drum was definitely a part of the musical story of the times. A Fife   Read More....

Tags : MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution Fife Drum FifeAndDrum FrancisJohnson YankeeDoodleDandy MarchingBand MilitaryMusic Jazz Blues Improvisation Freedom MarcAdler WaliBickley TimPrice EdStokes JoshuaMachiz KennethBrinquitoBurney KevinDiehl KimPedro TomLowery DouglasEwart PhillyJazz

We Shall: A Lyrical MLK Celebration

We Shall: A Lyrical MLK Celebration Saturday, January, 19th, 2019 at 3pm The Museum of the American Revolution 101 S 3rd Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 Admission Information   We Shall: A Lyrical MLK Celebration is an engaging intermingling of spoken word, singing and instrumental music paying tribute to one of America’s   Read More....

Tags : WeShall LyricalMLKCelebration MartinLutherKingJr MLK MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution KareemIdris TobyMartin JamesSolomon KendrahButler-Waters JockoMcNelly KimpedroRodriguez Gospel Jazz Blues affirmation self-determination poetry song improvisation faithsong praisesong fightsong lovesong Freedom Jazz PhillyJazz

Summer Sounds

From Friday, June 1 through Friday, September 7, the Summer Sounds In The Historic District free music series delivers sweet tunes at nearly a dozen locations in Old City, Society Hill and along the Delaware River waterfront.   Produced by VISIT PHILADELPHIA in partnership with Veteran Freshman, the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation,   Read More....

Tags : Philadelphia SummerSounds VisitPhilly HistoricDistrict FreeConcerts OutdoorConcerts OldCity SocietyHill DelawareRiverWaterfront StreetCornerSymphonies PhiladelphiaJazzProject OldCitySaxQuartet DerrickEl TerryLawson ElliotLevin TimPrice JoshLee Simmons-GreenfieldQuartet St.ClairSimmons SamGreenfield BigBrass4tet RobH.Henderson DanNosheny FrankRein KoofibiUmoren VictorNorth AfricanAmericanMuseum BetsyRossHouse Carpenters’Hall ChristChurch FranklinSquare IVCCCafé MuseumoftheAmericanRevolution NationalConstitutionCenter SummerFest SpruceStreetHarborPark TheBourse PhillyJazz


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Philly Jazz Quotes

On my first record with him, I used no notes, just sound... I never played as powerfully as I did with Sunny Murray... he plays pulse, not beats.
Byard Lancaster

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Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.