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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Tim Brey - UNWRAP

UNWRAP is a holiday CD from Philadelphia-based pianist and educator, Tim Brey. This contemporary keyboard colossus, demonstrates mercurial speed as a soloist, a sophisticated and complementary touch as an accompanist, as well as a keen sense of wonder and a boundless thirst for exploration as a leader and collaborator. Brey has been an   Read More....

Tags : TimBrey UNWRAP HolidayCD XmasMusic MysteriousTravelerConcertSeries PianoMusic TerellStafford DeeDeeBridgewater VeronicaSwift PeterBernstein TempleUniversity UArts VinceGuaraldi CharlieBrownChristmas Classics JohnColtrane McCoyTyner MulgrewMiller HerbieHancock BillEvans RedGarland TimBreyTrio ByronLandham BrianHowell HomefortheHolidays PhillyJazz

Mysterious Traveler - Ben Singer

Mysterious Traveler 4 Concert Series November 20th, 2017 - 7PM | Ben Singer Parkway Central Library | Montgomery Auditorium 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189   All events in this series are FREE, but you must RSVP RSVP Here   Mysterious Travelers 4: Further Investigations - a collaboration between The Free Library of   Read More....

Tags : BenSinger MysteriousTraveler FreeConcert FreeLibrary Philadelphia MontgomeryAuditorium CentralLibrary CrimeandPunishment Dostoevsky RodionRaskolnikov Drums Drummer TempleUniversity DanMonaghan DickOatts ByronLandham JoshLee TimWarfield DaudEl-Bakara JackSt.Clair ChelseaReed JulianHartwell PhillyJazz

Phila Songbook Concert Vol 2

 In February of 2014, PJP presented the very first Philadelphia Songbook Concert at Temple Performing Art Center [TPAC]. There were over 900 excited people in attendance. They saw an amazing concert with an all star band led by pianist Alfie Pollitt, featuring artists like Pablo Batista, Webb Thomas, Barbara Walker, Pete Chavez, Ella Gahnt,   Read More....

Tags : PhiladelphiaSongbookConcertVol.2 AmericanPhilosophicalSociety TerryKlinefelter SaudahAlAkbar ByronLandham BobMeashey TimPrice PaulKlinefelter MatthewClayton RonnieHowerton MiltonSuggs V.ShayneFrederick ThePhiladelphiaRealBookProject DavidDzubinski JazzBridge ClefClub


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Philly Jazz Quotes

Jazz is a phenomenon. …it's an element that was created that almost lacks definition. Because it's endless.
Trudy Pitts

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Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.