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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Great Offerings

  HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!   As we venture thru this holiday season, let's consider some extraordinary items as potential gifts for friends, family, or even for ourselves. Take a look and remember that good stuff is good stuff, all year round. For those who love to share a Philly story, there are two new CD releases of music by   Read More....

Tags : PhillyJazz GreatOfferings Gifts PotentialGifts HasaanIbnAli LegendaryHasaan BootsieBarnes LarryMcKenna JazzOrgan PhillyBop WalkedWithGiants JimmyHeath TempleUniversityPress TemplePress DukePress SunRa SunRaArkestra SpaceIsThePlace JohnSzwed AfroFuturism WhisperNot BennyGolson AnwarMarshall MysteriousTraveler FreeLibrary JazzMixtape Drummer JazzSinger Songstress EllaGahnt ThirdStageOfElegance JohnColtrane ALoveSupreme McCoyTyner JimmyGarrison ElvinJones CarlosWard PharaohSanders

Tim Brey - UNWRAP

UNWRAP is a holiday CD from Philadelphia-based pianist and educator, Tim Brey. This contemporary keyboard colossus, demonstrates mercurial speed as a soloist, a sophisticated and complementary touch as an accompanist, as well as a keen sense of wonder and a boundless thirst for exploration as a leader and collaborator. Brey has been an   Read More....

Tags : TimBrey UNWRAP HolidayCD XmasMusic MysteriousTravelerConcertSeries PianoMusic TerellStafford DeeDeeBridgewater VeronicaSwift PeterBernstein TempleUniversity UArts VinceGuaraldi CharlieBrownChristmas Classics JohnColtrane McCoyTyner MulgrewMiller HerbieHancock BillEvans RedGarland TimBreyTrio ByronLandham BrianHowell HomefortheHolidays PhillyJazz

Mysterious Traveler - Dan Nosheny

Mysterious Traveler 4 Concert Series January 29th, 2018 - 7PM | Dan Nosheny Parkway Central Library | Montgomery Auditorium 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189   All events in this series are FREE.   Mysterious Travelers 4: Further Investigations - a collaboration between The Free Library of Philadelphia and Philadelphia   Read More....

Tags : MysteriousTraveler FreeConcert FreeLibrary Philadelphia MontgomeryAuditorium CentralLibrary FurtherInvestigations DanNosheny Tuba Euphonium Sousaphone ModestPetrovichMussorgsky RussianComposer PicturesAtAnExhibition ​ImpressionsOfAnExposition Ravel Architecture DavidBowie JohnnyCash ViolentFemmes PolishedBrassEnsemble WestPhiladelphiaOrchestra EnsembleAnomaly FrancoisZayas ChristianMcBride McCoyTyner LaurieAnderson PhillyJazz

Facing East

July 14th, 2016, 8:00pm Facing East: Islamic Influences In Jazz International House 3701 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104   Tickets: $15 in advance, more at the door Purchase Tickets Here Philadelphia Jazz Project In collaboration with The New Africa Center, present Facing East: A concert celebrating Islamic influences and Islamic   Read More....

Tags : FacingEast TheNewAfricaCenter Muslim Islam DizzyGillespie JohnColtrane YusefLateef TalibDawud McCoyTyner PharoahSanders YusefLateef AhmadJamal RashiedAli ArtBlakey AbdullahIbrahim Kool&TheGang Alfred

Byard Lancaster - Celebration of Life

Thursday, July 28th 2016 at 7:30pm Celebration of Life - Byard Lancaster Settlement Music School/Germantown Branch 6128 Germantown Avenue, Phila., PA 19144   Tickets: $10 in advance - More at the door   For tickets go to EVENTBRITE, search "Byard Lancaster" and follow prompts to order tickets. For some reason, we are having   Read More....

Tags : ByardLancaster CelebrationofLife SettlementMusicSchool Germantown Eye2EyeTrio BertHarris ElliottLevin KimPedro MonnetteSudler MarianneLancaster-Tyler LisaChavous BarbaraWalker HaroldSmith LarryPrice RobertKenyatta KenoSpeller KhanJamal SunnyMurray BillDixon SunRa McCoyTyner HerbieMann SonnySharrock RonaldShannonJackson&TheDecodingSociety MemphisSlim JohnnyCopeland OdeanPope FelaKuti JymieMerritt DavidEyges

Coming Up In 2016

Coming up in 2016, PJP has some great events in store for you. Most important, is that 2016 marks the 100th anniversary of the start of the Great Migration: The historic period when millions of Black Americans left the South and moved to the Northeast, Midwest and West. This activity changed, the country culturally, politically and socially.   Read More....

Tags : GreatMigration ArchStreetMeetingHouse FreeLibraryofPhiladelphia ScribeVideoCenter ArsNovaWorkshop JazzNearYou MysteriousTravelerConcertSeries MadisonRast William"Wali"Bickley FirstFridayRentPartySeries RentParty ChefValerieErwin GeecheeGirlRestuarant SamReed LiliAnel TonyJones V.ShayneFrederick ChrisStevens VIPARC OheneSavant KimPedroRodriguez DrakeTheater RetroLove BethFeldmanBrandt MonnetteSudler InternationalHouse FacingEast IslamandJazz NewAfrikaCenter JohnColtrane McCoyTyner PharoahSanders YusefLateef AhmadJamal AlfiePollitt 
GermantownSettlementMusicSchool TheEYETOEYETrio ByardLancaster MarianneLancaster-Tyler BettHarris ElliottLevin

Guest Playlist #1

Guest Playlist #1: Guest Playlist is a special feature here at the PJP website. We asked musicians, artists, DJs, journalists, dancers, politicians, and average Jazz fans to share a playlist of music that is important to them. We wanted to get and share what folks are listening to and what they think the rest of us should check out. We   Read More....

Tags : GuestPlaylist Playlist Mfuasi LenMfuasiTrower GeorgeColeman McCoyTyner JohnColtrane MarcusMiller MichelPetrucciani KennyGarrett MilesDavis


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Philly Jazz Quotes

If it hadn't been for him, there wouldn't have been none of us. I want to thank Mr. Louis Armstrong for my livelihood.
                    Dizzy Gillespie

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Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.