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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Great Offerings

  HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!   As we venture thru this holiday season, let's consider some extraordinary items as potential gifts for friends, family, or even for ourselves. Take a look and remember that good stuff is good stuff, all year round. For those who love to share a Philly story, there are two new CD releases of music by   Read More....

Tags : PhillyJazz GreatOfferings Gifts PotentialGifts HasaanIbnAli LegendaryHasaan BootsieBarnes LarryMcKenna JazzOrgan PhillyBop WalkedWithGiants JimmyHeath TempleUniversityPress TemplePress DukePress SunRa SunRaArkestra SpaceIsThePlace JohnSzwed AfroFuturism WhisperNot BennyGolson AnwarMarshall MysteriousTraveler FreeLibrary JazzMixtape Drummer JazzSinger Songstress EllaGahnt ThirdStageOfElegance JohnColtrane ALoveSupreme McCoyTyner JimmyGarrison ElvinJones CarlosWard PharaohSanders


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Philly Jazz Quotes

Jazz is a phenomenon. …it's an element that was created that almost lacks definition. Because it's endless.
Trudy Pitts

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PhillyCAM Sessions

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Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.