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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

More Wonderful Sounds Of The Year

We ran this piece last year this time and just felt compelled to rewind it and spin it back out to you again. If you haven't checked this out, you owe it to yourself to jump in. While you are at it enjoy some of the 50 plus, FREE mixtapes that we have available for your enjoyment in our archives. Don't think that because it's free, it's subpar.   Read More....

Tags : Frosty HolidayConcert StationShops SuburbanStation SEPTA ShamikaByrd EllaGanht KevinValentine PaulJost MarionSalaam TonyMiceli MaryEllenDesmond TenorMadness LarryMcKenna MichaelPedicin SamReed WaverlyAlston CarolHarris ParrisLove’ ChrisStevens JeffMurrell Christmas Xmas ChristmasMusic JazzMixtape HolidayMixtape #PhillyJazz FreeMusic

Coltrane Celebration - Save The Date

On September 21st, 2019, the Philadelphia Jazz Project and it's partners will present another celebration of one of America's greatest artists and a neighbor to many Philadelphians: John Coltrane.   In the past, we have presented such exceptional artists as, Odean Pope, James Carter, Sam Reed, Larry McKenna, Carl Grubbs, Greg Osby, Tim   Read More....

Tags : JohnColtrane Coltrane ColtraneCelebration Birthday Philadelphia FairmountPark Avant-GardeJazz HardBop OdeanPope JamesCarter SamReed LarryMcKenna CarlGrubbs GregOsby TimPrice SuzanneBurgess AzarLawrence SonnyFortune Eye2EyeTrio BillyHarper PaulJost LuckyThompson KoreyRiker JoshLee ChrisStevens FreeConcert OutdoorConcert PhillyJazz

The Most Wonderful Sounds Of The Year

We ran this piece last year this time and just felt compelled to rewind it and spin it back out to you again. If you haven't checked this out, you owe it to yourself to jump in. While you are at it enjoy some of the 50 plus, FREE mixtapes that we have available for your enjoyment in our archives. Don't think that because it's free, it's subpar.   Read More....

Tags : Frosty HolidayConcert StationShops SuburbanStation SEPTA ShamikaByrd EllaGanht KevinValentine PaulJost MarionSalaam TonyMiceli MaryEllenDesmond TenorMadness LarryMcKenna MichaelPedicin SamReed WaverlyAlston CarolHarris ParrisLove’ ChrisStevens JeffMurrell Christmas Xmas ChristmasMusic JazzMixtape HolidayMixtape #PhillyJazz FreeMusic

Best Of Frosty Mixtape

Happy Holiday everyone!! For three years, from 2013 through 2015, PJP presented the Frosty Holiday Concert Series. Taking place at the historic, Irvine Auditorium on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania in West Philadelphia, over 2,500 people witnessed those awesome, family friendly events. Speaking of family friendly, families and   Read More....

Tags : Frosty BestOfFrosty Mixtape Xmas HolidayMusic XmasMusic FreeDownload J.MichaelHarrison WRTI FrostyConcertSeries IrvineAuditorium CarolHarris ParrisLove’ LarryMcKenna EllaGahnt KevinValentine WaverlyAustinITCOF JeffMurrell ChrisStevens PaulJost SamReed TimPrice PhillyJazz FreeMusic LarryMcKenna MichaelPedicin SamReed TimPrice KendrahButler TonyMiceli ConnorPrzybyszewski

Announcing Sun Ra Mixtape # 4

In the fall of 2014, Philadelphia Jazz Project [PJP] developed a unique challenge for DJs, producers, electronic musicians, turntablists, singers, poets, and/or rappers, as well as solos by instrumentalists to honor the immeasurable imaginative genius of the late Philadelphia, visionary musician, philosopher, composer and band leader, Sun Ra   Read More....

Tags : SunRaMixtape Mixtape#4 SunRaArkestra MarshallAllen Jazz Poetry Hiphop PhillyJazz JazzMixtape PJPMixtapeSeries EllaGahnt LamontDixon LloydLawrence ChrisStevens OwenFiidlaBrown UrbanClassique VShayneFrederick PheralynDove D.SabelaGrimes PheralynDove DmaniLopez Arckatron DariusLantz

Coltrane At 90 - Thanks

"I'd like to point out to people the divine in a musical language that transcends words. I want to speak to their souls."   ——  John Coltrane       Many thanks to everyone who attended, participated, or wanted to join us in celebrating John Coltrane's 90th birthday over these 9 amazing days. It   Read More....

Tags : ColtraneAt90 PhillyJazz JohnColtrane ColtraneBirthdayCelebration PhiladelphiaCelebratesColtrane TempleUniversityLibraries WRTI PhillyCAM JazzNearYou FREEConcert AzarLawrence TerryLawson DouglasEwart WorldTownSoundSystem AlanNelson JamesBrandonLewis ChrisStevens KoreyRiker JoshLee TimPrice SuzanneBurgess PaulJost SamReed PeteChavez RudreshMahanthappa BillyHarper WillieWilliams TenorMadness TimPrice OleMathisen DariusJones SpaceWhaleEnsemble Eye2EyeTrio LarryPrice JoshLee LaurenLarkJones MichaelAndrews Twizzmatic BehindTheBreaks ChrisOatts

Celebrating The Right Way

You may not have noticed it, but in our zeal to celebrate John Coltrane's 90th birthday, we gave you the years of his 100th birthday.   We incorrectly wrote on our logo, 1916 - 2016. It does now and should have read, 1926 - 2016.   Please forgive our haste. It was wrong. We made a mistake. It in no way speaks for our excitement,   Read More....

Tags : ColtraneAt90 JohnColtrane ColtraneBirthdayCelebration PhiladelphiaCelebratesColtrane TempleUniversityLibraries WRTI PhillyCAM JazzNearYou 9daysofFREEevents zarLawrence TerryLawson DouglasEwart WorldTownSoundSystem AlanNelson JamesBrandonLewis UmarRaheem ChrisStevens KoreyRiker JoshLee TimPrice MichaelPedicin SuzanneBurgess PaulJost SamReed PeteChavez

Celebrating Coltrane

September 17th to 25th, 2016 One of the most important artists of the 20th century was our neighbor. He walked among us. He lived among us. He was not born here, but he became a man and a professional musician here. We celebrate his birthday next month. September 23rd, 2016. He would have been 90 years old.   His name was John William   Read More....

Tags : ColtraneAt90 JohnColtrane ColtraneBirthdayCelebration PhiladelphiaCelebratesColtrane TempleUniversityLibraries WRTI PhillyCAM JazzNearYou 9daysofFREEevents zarLawrence TerryLawson DouglasEwart WorldTownSoundSystem AlanNelson JamesBrandonLewis UmarRaheem ChrisStevens KoreyRiker JoshLee TimPrice MichaelPedicin SuzanneBurgess PaulJost SamReed PeteChavez

First Friday Rent Party - Chris Stevens

2016 marks the 100th anniversary of the start of the Great Migration: The historic period when millions of Black Americans left the South and moved to the Northeast, Midwest and West. This activity changed the country culturally, politically and socially.   PJP is partnering with the Arch Street Meetinghouse, celebrating this milestone with   Read More....

Tags : GreatMigration ArchStreetMeetinghouse FirstFridays FirstFridayRentPartySeries JazzPhiladelphia RentParty ChrisStevens Trumpet ChefValerieErwin SamReed LiliAñel TonyJones V.ShayneFrederick MilesDavis RoyHargrove WeatherReport JacoPastorius Michael&RandyBrecker TheYellowjackets MintCondition JanetJackson Camden-NewJersey TempleUniversity GrammyAward TyeTribbett TheRoots JazmineSullivan FaithEvans VerticalCurrent EricRoberson JohnLegend

First Friday Rent Party - Chef Valerie Erwin

2016 marks the 100th anniversary of the start of the Great Migration: The historic period when millions of Black Americans left the South and moved to the Northeast, Midwest and West. This activity changed the country culturally, politically and socially.   PJP is partnering with the Arch Street Meeting House, celebrating this milestone with   Read More....

Tags : GreatMigration ArchStreetMeetinghouse FirstFridays FirstFridayRentPartySeries RentParty ChefValerieErwin GeecheeGirlRestaurant SouthernCuisine Caribbean WestAfrica Charleston SC Savannah Georgia AfricanDiaspora SamReed LiliAñel TonyJones V.ShayneFrederick ChrisStevens EdnaLewis DizzyGillespie JimmyPercyandTootieHeath CatAnderson RayCharles TheloniousMonk FletcherHenderson MaxRoach JohnColtrane LowCountry SoulFood SouthCarolina Georgia

First Friday Rent Party Series

Coming up in 2016, PJP has some great events in store for you. Most important, is that 2016 marks the 100th anniversary of the start of the Great Migration: The historic period when millions of Black Americans left the South and moved to the Northeast, Midwest and West. People like Dizzy Gillespie, Jimmy, Percy and Tootie Heath, Cat Anderson, Ray   Read More....

Tags : GreatMigration ArchStreetMeetingHouse FirstFridays FirstFridayRentPartySeries RentParty ChefValerieErwin GeecheeGirlRestaurant SamReed LiliAñel TonyJones V.ShayneFrederick ChrisStevens DizzyGillespie JimmyHeath PercyHeath TootieHeath CatAnderson RayCharles TheloniousMonk FletcherHenderson MaxRoach JohnColtrane

Coming Up In 2016

Coming up in 2016, PJP has some great events in store for you. Most important, is that 2016 marks the 100th anniversary of the start of the Great Migration: The historic period when millions of Black Americans left the South and moved to the Northeast, Midwest and West. This activity changed, the country culturally, politically and socially.   Read More....

Tags : GreatMigration ArchStreetMeetingHouse FreeLibraryofPhiladelphia ScribeVideoCenter ArsNovaWorkshop JazzNearYou MysteriousTravelerConcertSeries MadisonRast William"Wali"Bickley FirstFridayRentPartySeries RentParty ChefValerieErwin GeecheeGirlRestuarant SamReed LiliAnel TonyJones V.ShayneFrederick ChrisStevens VIPARC OheneSavant KimPedroRodriguez DrakeTheater RetroLove BethFeldmanBrandt MonnetteSudler InternationalHouse FacingEast IslamandJazz NewAfrikaCenter JohnColtrane McCoyTyner PharoahSanders YusefLateef AhmadJamal AlfiePollitt 
GermantownSettlementMusicSchool TheEYETOEYETrio ByardLancaster MarianneLancaster-Tyler BettHarris ElliottLevin


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Philly Jazz Quotes

On my first record with him, I used no notes, just sound... I never played as powerfully as I did with Sunny Murray... he plays pulse, not beats.
Byard Lancaster

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Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.