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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Coltrane Celebration - Save The Date

Coltrane Celebration LogoOn September 21st, 2019, the Philadelphia Jazz Project and it's partners will present another celebration of one of America's greatest artists and a neighbor to many Philadelphians: John Coltrane.


Coltrane Celebration North-Price-El Trio

In the past, we have presented such exceptional artists as, Odean Pope, James Carter, Sam Reed, Larry McKenna, Carl Grubbs, Greg Osby, Tim Price, Suzanne Burgess, Azar Lawrence, Sonny Fortune, Eye2Eye Trio, Billy Harper, Paul Jost, Lucky Thompson, Korey Riker, Josh Lee, Chris Stevens and many others.


This year, the event is called Celebrate Coltrane 2019.


It will be a 10 hour presentation of performances, a film screening and other goodies.


Artists participating will include...


    ▪    Billy Harper
    ▪    Ella Gahnt
    ▪    Bobby Zankel
    ▪    Sam Reed
    ▪    Julian Pressley
    ▪    Michael Pedicin
    ▪    Tim Price
    ▪    Ole Mathisen
    ▪    Michael Andrews
    ▪    Alfie Pollitt
    ▪    Alan Nelson
    ▪    Mark Allen
    ▪    Willie Williams
    ▪    Waverly Alston ITCOF
    ▪    Worldtown Soundsystem
    ▪    Hiruy (Henry) Tirfe
    ▪    and more


ca90 photo 3


Expect good company, a relaxed environment, a powerful vibe, awesome performances by some great local and national artists and FREE admission.


Yes. FREE Admission.


Coltrane Celebration - Jazz Walking-1


So, get your lawn chair ready and save that date.


SEPTEMBER 21st, 2019


More details coming!!!


Coltrane House




Some Video From Previous Coltrane Celebrations







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Lead support for Celebrate Coltrane 2019 is provided by the The William Penn Foundation / Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of CultureTrust Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.


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Tags : JohnColtrane Coltrane ColtraneCelebration Birthday Philadelphia FairmountPark Avant-GardeJazz HardBop OdeanPope JamesCarter SamReed LarryMcKenna CarlGrubbs GregOsby TimPrice SuzanneBurgess AzarLawrence SonnyFortune Eye2EyeTrio BillyHarper PaulJost LuckyThompson KoreyRiker JoshLee ChrisStevens FreeConcert OutdoorConcert PhillyJazz


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Philly Jazz Quotes

On my first record with him, I used no notes, just sound... I never played as powerfully as I did with Sunny Murray... he plays pulse, not beats.
Byard Lancaster

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Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.