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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Announcing PJP Mixtape #5

Mixtapes are a great, American invention. Given to us by the early Hiphop community, they allow us to experience something special usually in its musical infancy, or they give us a chance to see the behind the scenes process of musical creativity. And sometimes, mixtapes are just a great way to get something wonderful for FREE.   If you   Read More....

Tags : PJPMixtapeSeries Mixtape#5GreenHaze PhillyVocalists PhillySingers PhillyJazz ChartelFindlater V.ShayneFrederick ParrisLove' LeeMekhai AlfiePollitt LaurinTalese JazzMixtape Mixtape FreeDownload FreeMusic

Announcing PJP Mixtape #4

Mixtapes are a great, American invention. Given to us by the early Hiphop community, they allow us to experience something special usually in its musical infancy, or they give us a chance to see the behind the scenes process of musical creativity. And sometimes, mixtapes are just a great way to get something wonderful for FREE.   If you   Read More....

Tags : PJPMixtapeSeries Mixtape#4 Dreamsville PhillyVocalists PhillySingers PhillyJazz SaudahAlAkbar Bethlehem ShamikaByrd EllaGahnt JuliaLopez LukeCarloO’Reilly JazzMixtape FreeMusic

Announcing PJP Mixtape #3

Philadelphia is home to strong musical traditions like Jazz, Gospel, DooWop, R&B, Rock and Hiphop. Our greatest strength has been the unexpected and wonderful blending and swirling of these traditions into new and fascinating musical creations. That's what we did and that's what we still do. This mixtape series, available as a free download is   Read More....

Tags : PJPMixtapeSeries Mixtape#3 SpeakLow PhillyVocalists PhillySingers PhillyJazz Bethlehem MichaelAndrews JustinGraham PaulJost RaimundoSantos TyStephens KevinValentine MagdaMartinez JazzMixtape FreeMusic

Announcing Sun Ra Mixtape # 7

We have arrived at the seventh of seven mixtapes in our Sun Ra Mixtape Series. In the fall of 2014, Philadelphia Jazz Project [PJP] developed a unique challenge for DJs, producers, electronic musicians, turntablists, singers, poets, and/or rappers, as well as solos by instrumentalists to honor the immeasurable imaginative genius of the late   Read More....

Tags : SunRaMixtape Mixtape#7 SunRaArkestra MarshallAllen Jazz Poetry Hiphop PhillyJazz JazzMixtape PJPMixtapeSeries SonnySunkett RaymondA.King KimPedroRodriguez NuGruvNetwork DanBlacksberg NasirDickerson FrankRein MatthewClayton DocLong BernardCollins ConnorPrzybyszewski B.i.DOUBLLE

Announcing Sun Ra Mixtape # 6

Happy Winter Solstice!!! If you're not aware, the winter solstice, for the Northern Hemisphere is the shortest day of the calendar year. Shortest day because it is the shortest period of sunlight, with the longest period of darkness. Which also gives us the longest night.   Human beings have tracked the sun’s path across the sky for   Read More....

Tags : SunRaMixtape Mixtape#6 SunRaArkestra MarshallAllen Jazz Poetry Hiphop PhillyJazz JazzMixtape PJPMixtapeSeries TaraMiddleton SaudahAlAkbar Bethlehem JayeSanders TerryLawson AlanNelson RaphaelXavier DavidMiddleton PaulGiess SteveGokh SonniDey V.ShayneFrederick DanHanrahan SonnySunkettandothers.

Announcing Sun Ra Mixtape # 5

In the fall of 2014, Philadelphia Jazz Project [PJP] developed a unique challenge for DJs, producers, electronic musicians, turntablists, singers, poets, and/or rappers, as well as solos by instrumentalists to honor the immeasurable imaginative genius of the late Philadelphia, visionary musician, philosopher, composer and band leader, Sun Ra   Read More....

Tags : SunRaMixtape Mixtape#5 SunRaArkestra MarshallAllen Jazz Poetry Hiphop PhillyJazz JazzMixtape PJPMixtapeSeries LeonardBelasco LotusBarron TerryLawson AlanNelson ShermanFleming FaridBarron Price/SpeaksDiehlTrio larryPrice NimrodSpeaks KevinDiehl DJEAR2EAR DavidMiddleton TaraMiddleton B.i.DOUBLLE PaulGiess SteveTysonJr

Announcing Sun Ra Mixtape # 4

In the fall of 2014, Philadelphia Jazz Project [PJP] developed a unique challenge for DJs, producers, electronic musicians, turntablists, singers, poets, and/or rappers, as well as solos by instrumentalists to honor the immeasurable imaginative genius of the late Philadelphia, visionary musician, philosopher, composer and band leader, Sun Ra   Read More....

Tags : SunRaMixtape Mixtape#4 SunRaArkestra MarshallAllen Jazz Poetry Hiphop PhillyJazz JazzMixtape PJPMixtapeSeries EllaGahnt LamontDixon LloydLawrence ChrisStevens OwenFiidlaBrown UrbanClassique VShayneFrederick PheralynDove D.SabelaGrimes PheralynDove DmaniLopez Arckatron DariusLantz

Happy Birthday Sun Ra!!

May 22, 2016 - May 30, 1993   102 years ago today, stars fell on Alabama and out of the debris emerged a brown baby boy, who would be named Herman Poole Blount. We knew him as the intergalactic traveler, philosopher and master musician, Sun Ra.   To celebrate his birthday, we share PJP Mixtape Series - Sun Ra Edition Vol 3, featuring   Read More....

Tags : SunRa Mixtape Arkestra MarshallAllen Jazz Poetry Hiphop PhillyJazz JazzMixtape PJPMixtapeSeries RamRiches SandraTurner-Barnes MichaelAndrews RaymondA.King Bushmeat ThomasStanley HAL2016 TyroneHill TerryLawson DmaniLopez AlfiePollitt KimPedro SamaraiCelestial BobbyZankel

PJP Mixtape #2

Philadelphia is home to strong musical traditions like Jazz, Gospel, DooWop, R&B, Rock and Hiphop. Our greatest strength has been the unexpected and wonderful blending and swirling of these traditions into new and fascinating musical creations. That's what we did and that's what we still do. This mixtape series, available as a free download is an   Read More....

Tags : PJPMixtapeSeries Mixtape#2 BodyAndSoul Philly\\\'sBestVocalists Bethlehem SuzannChristine CarolHarris DeniseMontana SuzzetteOrtiz NajwaParkins LindoJones.


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Philly Jazz Quotes

If it hadn't been for him, there wouldn't have been none of us. I want to thank Mr. Louis Armstrong for my livelihood.
                    Dizzy Gillespie

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Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.