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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Announcing PJP Mixtape #5

Mixtapes are a great, American invention. Given to us by the early Hiphop community, they allow us to experience something special usually in its musical infancy, or they give us a chance to see the behind the scenes process of musical creativity. And sometimes, mixtapes are just a great way to get something wonderful for FREE.   If you   Read More....

Tags : PJPMixtapeSeries Mixtape#5GreenHaze PhillyVocalists PhillySingers PhillyJazz ChartelFindlater V.ShayneFrederick ParrisLove' LeeMekhai AlfiePollitt LaurinTalese JazzMixtape Mixtape FreeDownload FreeMusic

Another Monster Bash

Last year, award winning arranger/trombonist, Steve Tirpak, Laurin Talese, Chartel Findlater, Eric Wortham, Anwar Marshall, Jay Webb, Dahi Divine and company, blew the roof off of the Painted Bride Arts Center for two nights. This year, he's back. Same energy. Different locations. First, on Wednesday, October 8th, 2014, at The Kimmel Center's   Read More....

Tags : Halloween SteveTirpak LaurinTalese Boo TPAC TemplePerformingArtsCenter SnoopDog WayneShorter Costume Mr.SonnyJames ChartelFindlater JoshLawrence KoreyRiker AnwarMarshall

Monster Bash

On Halloween night, Thursday, October 31st at 8pm and Friday, November 1st at 8pm at the Painted Bride Art Center, award winning arranger/trombonist, Steve Tirpak brings together some of Philly's most talented Jazz artists to scare the shhhhh%$@#! outta you, in a special Halloween performance, a monster bash called, "Boo!" “The band   Read More....

Tags : Boo! SteveTirpak LaurinTalese JayWebb DahiDivine PaintedBride EricWortham AnwarMarshall KevinHanson ChartelFindlater Halloween JazzParty


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Philly Jazz Quotes

On my first record with him, I used no notes, just sound... I never played as powerfully as I did with Sunny Murray... he plays pulse, not beats.
Byard Lancaster

Other Info





Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.