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The Sound Of Progress - Songs For John Henry

The Sound Of Progress: Songs For John Henry Sunday, January 14, 2018, 3:00pm   Philadelphia Museum of Art 2600 Benjamin Franklin Parkway Phila., PA 19130   The program is FREE with Museum admission. Pre-order Museum tickets for a discounted rate CLICK HERE. Scroll down and click the orange button that says “Buy Now And   Read More....

Tags : SoundOfProgress SongsForJohnHenry JohnHenry JerryPinckney JuliusLester PhilaMuseumofArt FolkTale FolkSong FolkHero Post-CivilWar PaulGiess JamesSolomon WilliamBrock TonyJones TomLowery EdStokes KunuBi ConnorPrzybyszewski ErnestStuart WaverlyAlston SonniDey HelenaReid CyrileTrawick SirjazWatson HomerJackson PhilaMuseumofArt Philadelphia PhillyJazz

Announcing Sun Ra Mixtape # 6

Happy Winter Solstice!!! If you're not aware, the winter solstice, for the Northern Hemisphere is the shortest day of the calendar year. Shortest day because it is the shortest period of sunlight, with the longest period of darkness. Which also gives us the longest night.   Human beings have tracked the sun’s path across the sky for   Read More....

Tags : SunRaMixtape Mixtape#6 SunRaArkestra MarshallAllen Jazz Poetry Hiphop PhillyJazz JazzMixtape PJPMixtapeSeries TaraMiddleton SaudahAlAkbar Bethlehem JayeSanders TerryLawson AlanNelson RaphaelXavier DavidMiddleton PaulGiess SteveGokh SonniDey V.ShayneFrederick DanHanrahan SonnySunkettandothers.


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Philly Jazz Quotes

On my first record with him, I used no notes, just sound... I never played as powerfully as I did with Sunny Murray... he plays pulse, not beats.
Byard Lancaster

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Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.