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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

CALL - A Special CD Project

In early 2021, after the flames of the George Floyd murder and protests traveled around the globe, Kim Niemela, executive director of COSACOSA art at large, Inc. reached out to ask if Philadelphia Jazz Project would have an interest in participating in a new recording project. A NEA-funded project focused on the creation and sharing of new   Read More....

Tags : PhillyMusic PhillySoul PhillyHiphop SingPhillySing Call ProtestSongs MessageInTheMusic MessageMusic TruthToPower JamesSolomon HomerJackson Bethlehem WaverlyAlston V.ShanyeFrederick VeronicaJurkiewicz BismuthQuartet JockoMacNelly MalikHenry AdamFaulk MattEngle CosaCosa NEAArts GeorgeFloyd KimNiemela PhillyJazz

The Long Walk Home Mixtape

...they bring the Ibos over in a slave ship & when they get here, they ain't like it & so they all start singing & they march right down in the river to march back to Africa                                 Floyd White - Federal Writers Project   Read More....

Tags : WaltWhitman Whitman WhitmanAt200 Poet Poetry WhitmanCelebration IboLanding Ibo StSimonsIsland Georgia SongsOfTheOpenRoad Camden Philadelphia UPennLibraries KislakCenter WaverlyAlston TobyVEnTMartin JamesSolomon HomerJackson Bethlehem JackDrummond MalikHenry RichardHill JazzMixtape Mixtape PhillyJazz

Not The Only One - Revisiting Summer 2019

Last summer, the Philadelphia Jazz Project had the good fortune to work with the University of Pennsylvania Libraries' Kislak Center on the celebration of Walt Whitman's 200th birthday. We presented a series of walks, singing walks thru the streets of Philadelphia. Working with the creative team of Toby VEnT Martin, Waverly Alston and James   Read More....

Tags : WaltWhitman WhitmanAt200 Poet WhitmanCelebration NewSongsOfTheOpenRoad SongsOfTheOpenRoad CivilRightsEra Camden PhiladelphiaUPennLibraries KislakCenter Covid19 HealthCrisis BlacKLivesmatter GeorgeFloyd WaverlyAlston TobyVEnTMartin JamesSolomon EricaCorbo HomerJackson Sing Walk SongsOfAffirmation SongsOfProtest PhillyJazz PhillyGospel PhillySongs SingPhillySing

More Wonderful Sounds Of The Year

We ran this piece last year this time and just felt compelled to rewind it and spin it back out to you again. If you haven't checked this out, you owe it to yourself to jump in. While you are at it enjoy some of the 50 plus, FREE mixtapes that we have available for your enjoyment in our archives. Don't think that because it's free, it's subpar.   Read More....

Tags : Frosty HolidayConcert StationShops SuburbanStation SEPTA ShamikaByrd EllaGanht KevinValentine PaulJost MarionSalaam TonyMiceli MaryEllenDesmond TenorMadness LarryMcKenna MichaelPedicin SamReed WaverlyAlston CarolHarris ParrisLove’ ChrisStevens JeffMurrell Christmas Xmas ChristmasMusic JazzMixtape HolidayMixtape #PhillyJazz FreeMusic

Announcing The Walt Whitman Mixtape Series

I am as bad as the worst, but, thank God, I am as good as the best.                                                    Read More....

Tags : WaltWhitman Whitman WhitmanAt200 Poet Poetry WhitmanCelebration 19thCentury 200thBirthday Modern NewSongsOfTheOpenRoad SongsOfTheOpenRoad Camden Philadelphia UPennLibraries KislakCenter WaverlyAlston TobyVEnTMartin JamesSolomon HomerJackson LennyBelasco BrittanieSterner JohnWallBarger CharlesCarr VeronicaBowlan AutumnMcClintock PaulGiess MichelleMyers PhillyJazz JazzMixtape Mixtape

Celebrate Coltrane 2019

On September 21st, 2019, the Philadelphia Jazz Project and it's partners will present another celebration of one of America's greatest artists and a neighbor to many Philadelphians: John Coltrane.   CELEBRATE COLTRANE 2019!   DATE & TIMES: September 21st, 2019 12:00 noon to 10:00pm FREE ADMISSION!!!   LOCATIONS: 4 Stages   Read More....

Tags : JohnColtrane Coltrane ColtraneCelebration Birthday Philadelphia FairmountPark Avant-GardeJazz HardBop TenorMadness ForceForGood SaxQuartet SamReed CarlGrubbs BillyHarper EllaGahnt BobbyZankel JulianPressley MichaelPedicin TimPrice JaleelShaw ImmanuelWilkins OleMathisen MichaelAndrews AlfiePollitt AlanNelson MarkAllen WillieWilliams WaverlyAlston WorldtownSoundsystem HenryTirfe FreeConcert OutdoorConcert PhillyJazz

Homer Jackson On New Songs - Open Road

In celebration of poet Walt Whitman's 200th birthday, artist/curator and director of the Philadelphia Jazz Project, Homer Jackson presents New Songs Of The Open Road: a special project consisting of a series of four “singing” walks which take place in different neighborhoods of Philadelphia. As Whitman was an avid walker/hiker,   Read More....

Tags : WaltWhitman WhitmanAt200 Poet WhitmanCelebration 19thCentury 200thBirthday Modern NewSongsOfTheOpenRoad SongsOfTheOpenRoad Philadelphia UPennLibraries KislakCenter WaverlyAlston TobyVEnTMartin JamesSolomon VShayneFrederick HomerJackson Sing Walk Hike SongsOfAffirmation PhillyJazz PhillyGospel PhillySongs SingPhillySing

James Solomon On New Songs - Open Road

In celebration of poet Walt Whitman's 200th birthday, artist/curator and director of the Philadelphia Jazz Project, Homer Jackson presents New Songs Of The Open Road: a special project consisting of a series of four “singing” walks which take place in different neighborhoods of Philadelphia. As Whitman was an avid walker/hiker,   Read More....

Tags : WaltWhitman WhitmanAt200 Poet WhitmanCelebration 19thCentury 200thBirthday Modern NewSongsOfTheOpenRoad SongsOfTheOpenRoad Philadelphia UPennLibraries KislakCenter WaverlyAlston TobyVEnTMartin JamesSolomon VShayneFrederick HomerJackson Sing Walk Hike SongsOfAffirmation PhillyJazz PhillyGospel PhillySongs SingPhillySing

Waverly Alston On New Songs - Open Road

In celebration of poet Walt Whitman's 200th birthday, artist/curator and director of the Philadelphia Jazz Project, Homer Jackson presents New Songs Of The Open Road: a special project consisting of a series of four “singing” walks which take place in different neighborhoods of Philadelphia. As Whitman was an avid walker/hiker,   Read More....

Tags : WaltWhitman WhitmanAt200 Poet WhitmanCelebration 19thCentury 200thBirthday Modern NewSongsOfTheOpenRoad SongsOfTheOpenRoad Philadelphia UPennLibraries KislakCenter WaverlyAlston TobyVEnTMartin JamesSolomon VShayneFrederick HomerJackson Sing Walk Hike SongsOfAffirmation PhillyJazz PhillyGospel PhillySongs SingPhillySing

Toby Vent Martin On New Songs - Open Road

In celebration of poet Walt Whitman's 200th birthday, artist/curator and director of the Philadelphia Jazz Project, Homer Jackson presents New Songs Of The Open Road: a special project consisting of a series of four “singing” walks which take place in different neighborhoods of Philadelphia. As Whitman was an avid walker/hiker,   Read More....

Tags : WaltWhitman WhitmanAt200 Poet WhitmanCelebration 19thCentury 200thBirthday Modern NewSongsOfTheOpenRoad SongsOfTheOpenRoad Philadelphia UPennLibraries KislakCenter WaverlyAlston TobyVEnTMartin JamesSolomon VShayneFrederick HomerJackson Sing Walk Hike SongsOfAffirmation PhillyJazz PhillyGospel PhillySongs SingPhillySing

New Songs - Open Road

Wisdom is not finally tested in schools, Wisdom cannot be pass’d from one having it to another not having it, Wisdom is of the soul, is not susceptible of proof, is its own proof                              Read More....

Tags : WaltWhitman WhitmanAt200 Poet WhitmanCelebration 19thCentury 200thBirthday Modern NewSongsOfTheOpenRoad SongsOfTheOpenRoad Philadelphia UPennLibraries KislakCenter WaverlyAlston TobyVEnTMartin JamesSolomon VShayneFrederick HomerJackson Sing Walk Hike SongsOfAffirmation PhillyJazz PhillyGospel PhillySongs SingPhillySing

The Most Wonderful Sounds Of The Year

We ran this piece last year this time and just felt compelled to rewind it and spin it back out to you again. If you haven't checked this out, you owe it to yourself to jump in. While you are at it enjoy some of the 50 plus, FREE mixtapes that we have available for your enjoyment in our archives. Don't think that because it's free, it's subpar.   Read More....

Tags : Frosty HolidayConcert StationShops SuburbanStation SEPTA ShamikaByrd EllaGanht KevinValentine PaulJost MarionSalaam TonyMiceli MaryEllenDesmond TenorMadness LarryMcKenna MichaelPedicin SamReed WaverlyAlston CarolHarris ParrisLove’ ChrisStevens JeffMurrell Christmas Xmas ChristmasMusic JazzMixtape HolidayMixtape #PhillyJazz FreeMusic

The Sound Of Progress - Songs For John Henry

The Sound Of Progress: Songs For John Henry Sunday, January 14, 2018, 3:00pm   Philadelphia Museum of Art 2600 Benjamin Franklin Parkway Phila., PA 19130   The program is FREE with Museum admission. Pre-order Museum tickets for a discounted rate CLICK HERE. Scroll down and click the orange button that says “Buy Now And   Read More....

Tags : SoundOfProgress SongsForJohnHenry JohnHenry JerryPinckney JuliusLester PhilaMuseumofArt FolkTale FolkSong FolkHero Post-CivilWar PaulGiess JamesSolomon WilliamBrock TonyJones TomLowery EdStokes KunuBi ConnorPrzybyszewski ErnestStuart WaverlyAlston SonniDey HelenaReid CyrileTrawick SirjazWatson HomerJackson PhilaMuseumofArt Philadelphia PhillyJazz

Frosty 3! - Cool Holiday Jazz Celebration

Celebrate the Holidays with the Philadelphia Jazz Project! FROSTY 3: COOL HOLIDAY JAZZ CELEBRATION ....featuring some of Philadelphia's finest Jazz musicians. Frosty3! is co-produced and hosted by J. Michael Harrison. Hear him Fridays at 10:00 p.m. on The Bridge, on 90.1FM WRTI. SATURDAY | December 12th, 2015 | 3:00 p.m. IRVINE   Read More....

Tags : Frosty Frosty3 HolidayCelebration Jazz JeffScull KendrahButler NimrodSpeaks DarrylJackson DeniseMontana MichaelPedicinJr. TimPrice SamReed Family LarryMcKenna WaverlyAlston WaverlyAlstonIntheCompanyofFriends PaulJost ParrisLove JulieCharnet MaryEllenDesmond ChrisVance


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Philly Jazz Quotes

On my first record with him, I used no notes, just sound... I never played as powerfully as I did with Sunny Murray... he plays pulse, not beats.
Byard Lancaster

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Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.