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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Frosty 3! - Cool Holiday Jazz Celebration

Celebrate the Holidays with the Philadelphia Jazz Project! FROSTY 3: COOL HOLIDAY JAZZ CELEBRATION ....featuring some of Philadelphia's finest Jazz musicians. Frosty3! is co-produced and hosted by J. Michael Harrison. Hear him Fridays at 10:00 p.m. on The Bridge, on 90.1FM WRTI. SATURDAY | December 12th, 2015 | 3:00 p.m. IRVINE   Read More....

Tags : Frosty Frosty3 HolidayCelebration Jazz JeffScull KendrahButler NimrodSpeaks DarrylJackson DeniseMontana MichaelPedicinJr. TimPrice SamReed Family LarryMcKenna WaverlyAlston WaverlyAlstonIntheCompanyofFriends PaulJost ParrisLove JulieCharnet MaryEllenDesmond ChrisVance

PJP’s Jazzy Christmas Celebration

From LOVE Park to Penn’s Landing, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Philadelphia is blessed with many family holiday traditions, including everyone’s favorite, the Wanamaker Organ Christmas Light Show.   Back in the day, families would go to the Gallery at Market East and sing holiday songs around the   Read More....

Tags : Frosty Frosty2 HolidayCelebration Jazz DianeMonroe RhendaFearrington DeniseMontana MichaelPedicinJr. FayeAnderson TimPrice SamReed BarbaraMontgomery EllaGahnt CarolHarris Family DivaNation TenorMadness

Frosty 2: Another Cool Holiday Jazz Celebration

Celebrate the Holidays with the Philadelphia Jazz Project! FROSTY 2: Another COOL HOLIDAY JAZZ CELEBRATION ....featuring some of Philadelphia's finest Jazz musicians. Co-produced and hosted by J. Michael Harrison of WRTI SATURDAY | December 13, 2014 | 4:00 p.m. [Doors open at 3:45pm] IRVINE AUDITORIUM 3401 Spruce Street,   Read More....

Tags : Frosty Frosty2 HolidayCelebration Jazz DianeMonroe RhendaFearrington DeniseMontana MichaelPedicinJr. TimePrice SamReed BarbaraMontgomery EllaGahnt CarolHarris Family DivaNation TenorMadness


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Philly Jazz Quotes

Jazz is a phenomenon. …it's an element that was created that almost lacks definition. Because it's endless.
Trudy Pitts

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Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.