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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

CALL - A Special CD Project

In early 2021, after the flames of the George Floyd murder and protests traveled around the globe, Kim Niemela, executive director of COSACOSA art at large, Inc. reached out to ask if Philadelphia Jazz Project would have an interest in participating in a new recording project. A NEA-funded project focused on the creation and sharing of new   Read More....

Tags : PhillyMusic PhillySoul PhillyHiphop SingPhillySing Call ProtestSongs MessageInTheMusic MessageMusic TruthToPower JamesSolomon HomerJackson Bethlehem WaverlyAlston V.ShanyeFrederick VeronicaJurkiewicz BismuthQuartet JockoMacNelly MalikHenry AdamFaulk MattEngle CosaCosa NEAArts GeorgeFloyd KimNiemela PhillyJazz

Not The Only One - Revisiting Summer 2019

Last summer, the Philadelphia Jazz Project had the good fortune to work with the University of Pennsylvania Libraries' Kislak Center on the celebration of Walt Whitman's 200th birthday. We presented a series of walks, singing walks thru the streets of Philadelphia. Working with the creative team of Toby VEnT Martin, Waverly Alston and James   Read More....

Tags : WaltWhitman WhitmanAt200 Poet WhitmanCelebration NewSongsOfTheOpenRoad SongsOfTheOpenRoad CivilRightsEra Camden PhiladelphiaUPennLibraries KislakCenter Covid19 HealthCrisis BlacKLivesmatter GeorgeFloyd WaverlyAlston TobyVEnTMartin JamesSolomon EricaCorbo HomerJackson Sing Walk SongsOfAffirmation SongsOfProtest PhillyJazz PhillyGospel PhillySongs SingPhillySing

Gold Rush by Alexa Gold - A Mysterious Traveler Mixtape

During the summer of 2014, Leo Gadson of Producer's Guild, Adam Feldman of The Free Library of Philadelphia and Homer Jackson of PJP met to discuss an idea. The trio, teamed up to develop a daring, new performance series: The Mysterious Traveler Concert Series, which takes place in the Montgomery Auditorium at the Central Branch of the Free   Read More....

Tags : GoldRush AlexaGold AlexisSimmons MysteriousTraveler AllStars FreeLibraryofPhiladelphia AdamFeldman LeoGadson Producer\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'sGuild HomerJackson MontgomeryAuditorium Jazz Soul R&B vocalist songwriter photographer GreatMigration AbbeyLincoln LizzWright KendrahButler AnthonyDeCarlo JockoMacNelly KimPedro JakeKelberman JosephPlowman GustenRudolph FreeConcert PhillyJazz PhillySoul SingPhillySing

Mysterious Traveler All Stars Go Pop!

Mysterious Traveler All Stars Go Pop! Monday, January 27th, 2020 at 7:00 pm Parkway Central Library | Montgomery Auditorium 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189 ADMISSION IS FREE.   Who says a jazz band can't play dance music? - George Clinton of Parliament/Funkadelic   At its core, Jazz music is a good time,   Read More....

Tags : FreeLibraryofPhiladelphia MysteriousTravelersAll-Stars Pop PopMusic JazzStandards TinPanAlley PopularSongs Broadway HollywoodMusical Rock&Roll Rhythm&Blues Soul CountryWestern Hiphop TimBrey MatthewStewart VictorNorth MadisonRast MatthewClayton MatthewJernigan AlexisSimmons HowardTucker AlexaGold Composers Players Instrumentalists Poet Singer SingPhillySing PhillyJazz

Homer Jackson On New Songs - Open Road

In celebration of poet Walt Whitman's 200th birthday, artist/curator and director of the Philadelphia Jazz Project, Homer Jackson presents New Songs Of The Open Road: a special project consisting of a series of four “singing” walks which take place in different neighborhoods of Philadelphia. As Whitman was an avid walker/hiker,   Read More....

Tags : WaltWhitman WhitmanAt200 Poet WhitmanCelebration 19thCentury 200thBirthday Modern NewSongsOfTheOpenRoad SongsOfTheOpenRoad Philadelphia UPennLibraries KislakCenter WaverlyAlston TobyVEnTMartin JamesSolomon VShayneFrederick HomerJackson Sing Walk Hike SongsOfAffirmation PhillyJazz PhillyGospel PhillySongs SingPhillySing

James Solomon On New Songs - Open Road

In celebration of poet Walt Whitman's 200th birthday, artist/curator and director of the Philadelphia Jazz Project, Homer Jackson presents New Songs Of The Open Road: a special project consisting of a series of four “singing” walks which take place in different neighborhoods of Philadelphia. As Whitman was an avid walker/hiker,   Read More....

Tags : WaltWhitman WhitmanAt200 Poet WhitmanCelebration 19thCentury 200thBirthday Modern NewSongsOfTheOpenRoad SongsOfTheOpenRoad Philadelphia UPennLibraries KislakCenter WaverlyAlston TobyVEnTMartin JamesSolomon VShayneFrederick HomerJackson Sing Walk Hike SongsOfAffirmation PhillyJazz PhillyGospel PhillySongs SingPhillySing

Waverly Alston On New Songs - Open Road

In celebration of poet Walt Whitman's 200th birthday, artist/curator and director of the Philadelphia Jazz Project, Homer Jackson presents New Songs Of The Open Road: a special project consisting of a series of four “singing” walks which take place in different neighborhoods of Philadelphia. As Whitman was an avid walker/hiker,   Read More....

Tags : WaltWhitman WhitmanAt200 Poet WhitmanCelebration 19thCentury 200thBirthday Modern NewSongsOfTheOpenRoad SongsOfTheOpenRoad Philadelphia UPennLibraries KislakCenter WaverlyAlston TobyVEnTMartin JamesSolomon VShayneFrederick HomerJackson Sing Walk Hike SongsOfAffirmation PhillyJazz PhillyGospel PhillySongs SingPhillySing

Toby Vent Martin On New Songs - Open Road

In celebration of poet Walt Whitman's 200th birthday, artist/curator and director of the Philadelphia Jazz Project, Homer Jackson presents New Songs Of The Open Road: a special project consisting of a series of four “singing” walks which take place in different neighborhoods of Philadelphia. As Whitman was an avid walker/hiker,   Read More....

Tags : WaltWhitman WhitmanAt200 Poet WhitmanCelebration 19thCentury 200thBirthday Modern NewSongsOfTheOpenRoad SongsOfTheOpenRoad Philadelphia UPennLibraries KislakCenter WaverlyAlston TobyVEnTMartin JamesSolomon VShayneFrederick HomerJackson Sing Walk Hike SongsOfAffirmation PhillyJazz PhillyGospel PhillySongs SingPhillySing

New Songs - Open Road

Wisdom is not finally tested in schools, Wisdom cannot be pass’d from one having it to another not having it, Wisdom is of the soul, is not susceptible of proof, is its own proof                              Read More....

Tags : WaltWhitman WhitmanAt200 Poet WhitmanCelebration 19thCentury 200thBirthday Modern NewSongsOfTheOpenRoad SongsOfTheOpenRoad Philadelphia UPennLibraries KislakCenter WaverlyAlston TobyVEnTMartin JamesSolomon VShayneFrederick HomerJackson Sing Walk Hike SongsOfAffirmation PhillyJazz PhillyGospel PhillySongs SingPhillySing

Mysterious Traveler All Stars - Spring 2019 Concert

Mysterious Traveler All Stars - Spring 2019 Concert Monday, May 6th, 2019 at 7:00 pm Parkway Central Library | Montgomery Auditorium 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189 ADMISSION IS FREE.   The Mysterious Travelers All Stars continue to astound us with their magnificent growth as a team of composers and master musicians.   Read More....

Tags : OneBookReport OneBookOnePhiladelphia FreeLibraryofPhiladelphia MysteriousTraveler All-Stars TimBrey MatthewStewart VictorNorth MatthewClayton AlexisSimmons HowardTucker AlexaGold JustinSekelewski GustenRudolph Composers Players Instrumentalists Poet Singer SingPhillySing PhillyJazz

V. Shayne Frederick At Phila City Institute

As part of Jazz Appreciation Month, during April of 2017, PJP collaborated with Philadelphia’s Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy to present four special concerts in various public spaces around the city. These concerts were presented at facilities under the auspices of the Free Library of Philadelphia and Parks &   Read More....

Tags : JazzAppreciationMonth JazzMonth April2017 Philadelphia OfficeofArtsandCulture CreativeEconomy FreeLibraryofPhiladelphia Parks&Recreation CenterCity PhiladelphiaCityInstitute JazzAtTheLibrary FreeConcert JazzMixtape JazzSinger VShayneFrederick JeffScull JustinSekelewski JoseClaudio GreatAmericanSongbook Soul Blues SingPhillySing PhillyJazz

Mysterious Traveler All Stars - Winter 2019 Concert

Mysterious Traveler All Stars - Winter 2019 Concert Monday, February 25th, 2019 at 7:00 pm Parkway Central Library | Montgomery Auditorium 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189 ADMISSION IS FREE.   The Mysterious Travelers are back!!! After their magnificent, One Book - Report performance in July 2018, the Mysterious Traveler   Read More....

Tags : OneBookReport OneBookOnePhiladelphia FreeLibraryofPhiladelphia MysteriousTravelersAll-Stars ChadTaylor TimBrey MatthewStewart VictorNorth MadisonRast MatthewClayton AlexisSimmons HowardTucker AlexaGold Composers Players Instrumentalists Poet Singer SingPhillySing PhillyJazz

Voices Of The People - Lee Mo

Voices Of The People: Celebration of Singers July 6, 7, 8, 2017 Hatfield House 33rd & Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130     The Philadelphia Jazz Project continues as we carry the spirit of Philadelphia into the second weekend of July 2017. In collaboration with Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Parks &   Read More....

Tags : VoicesOfThePeople CelebrationofSingers HatfieldHouse FairmountPark Interdependence Diversity Love Freedom RhendaFearrington PaulJost LeeMo AnnieSciolla MiltonSuggs EllaGahnt SuzanneBurgess RaimundoSantos LiliAnel BarbaraMontgomery MichaelAndrews BethlehemRoberson PhiladelphiaJazzProject FairmountParkConservancy PhiladelphiaParks&Recreation ParksOnTap JazzNearYou PhilyJazz JazzSingers CelebratingSingers SingPhillySing

Voices Of The People - Paul Jost

Voices Of The People: Celebration of Singers July 6, 7, 8, 2017 Hatfield House 33rd & Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130     The Philadelphia Jazz Project continues as we carry the spirit of Philadelphia into the second weekend of July 2017. In collaboration with Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Parks &   Read More....

Tags : VoicesOfThePeople CelebrationofSingers HatfieldHouse FairmountPark Interdependence Diversity Love Freedom RhendaFearrington PaulJost LeeMo AnnieSciolla MiltonSuggs EllaGahnt SuzanneBurgess RaimundoSantos LiliAnel BarbaraMontgomery MichaelAndrews BethlehemRoberson PhiladelphiaJazzProject FairmountParkConservancy PhiladelphiaParks&Recreation ParksOnTap JazzNearYou PhilyJazz JazzSingers CelebratingSingers SingPhillySing

Voices Of The People - Rhenda Fearrington

Voices Of The People: Celebration of Singers July 6, 7, 8, 2017 Hatfield House 33rd & Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130     The Philadelphia Jazz Project continues as we carry the spirit of Philadelphia into the second weekend of July 2017. In collaboration with Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Parks &   Read More....

Tags : VoicesOfThePeople CelebrationofSingers HatfieldHouse FairmountPark Interdependence Diversity Love Freedom RhendaFearrington PaulJost LeeMo AnnieSciolla MiltonSuggs EllaGahnt SuzanneBurgess RaimundoSantos LiliAnel BarbaraMontgomery MichaelAndrews BethlehemRoberson PhiladelphiaJazzProject FairmountParkConservancy PhiladelphiaParks&Recreation ParksOnTap JazzNearYou PhilyJazz JazzSingers CelebratingSingers SingPhillySing

Voices Of The People - Suzanne Burgess

Voices Of The People: Celebration of Singers July 6, 7, 8, 2017 Hatfield House 33rd & Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130     The Philadelphia Jazz Project continues as we carry the spirit of Philadelphia into the second weekend of July 2017. In collaboration with Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Parks &   Read More....

Tags : VoicesOfThePeople CelebrationofSingers HatfieldHouse FairmountPark Interdependence Diversity Love Freedom RhendaFearrington PaulJost LeeMo AnnieSciolla MiltonSuggs EllaGahnt SuzanneBurgess RaimundoSantos LiliAnel BarbaraMontgomery MichaelAndrews BethlehemRoberson PhiladelphiaJazzProject FairmountParkConservancy PhiladelphiaParks&Recreation ParksOnTap JazzNearYou PhilyJazz JazzSingers CelebratingSingers SingPhillySing

Voices Of The People - Raimundo Santos

Voices Of The People: Celebration of Singers July 6, 7, 8, 2017 Hatfield House 33rd & Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130     The Philadelphia Jazz Project continues as we carry the spirit of Philadelphia into the second weekend of July 2017. In collaboration with Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Parks &   Read More....

Tags : VoicesOfThePeople CelebrationofSingers HatfieldHouse FairmountPark Interdependence Diversity Love Freedom RhendaFearrington PaulJost LeeMo AnnieSciolla MiltonSuggs EllaGahnt SuzanneBurgess RaimundoSantos LiliAnel BarbaraMontgomery MichaelAndrews BethlehemRoberson PhiladelphiaJazzProject FairmountParkConservancy PhiladelphiaParks&Recreation ParksOnTap JazzNearYou PhilyJazz JazzSingers CelebratingSingers SingPhillySing

Voices Of The People - Annie Sciolla

Voices Of The People: Celebration of Singers July 6, 7, 8, 2017 Hatfield House 33rd & Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130     The Philadelphia Jazz Project continues as we carry the spirit of Philadelphia into the second weekend of July 2017. In collaboration with Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Parks &   Read More....

Tags : VoicesOfThePeople CelebrationofSingers HatfieldHouse FairmountPark Interdependence Diversity Love Freedom RhendaFearrington PaulJost LeeMo AnnieSciolla MiltonSuggs EllaGahnt SuzanneBurgess RaimundoSantos LiliAnel BarbaraMontgomery MichaelAndrews BethlehemRoberson PhiladelphiaJazzProject FairmountParkConservancy PhiladelphiaParks&Recreation ParksOnTap JazzNearYou PhilyJazz JazzSingers CelebratingSingers SingPhillySing

Voices Of The People - Lili AƱel

Voices Of The People: Celebration of Singers July 6, 7, 8, 2017 Hatfield House 33rd & Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130     The Philadelphia Jazz Project continues as we carry the spirit of Philadelphia into the second weekend of July 2017. In collaboration with Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Parks &   Read More....

Tags : VoicesOfThePeople CelebrationofSingers HatfieldHouse FairmountPark Interdependence Diversity Love Freedom RhendaFearrington PaulJost LeeMo AnnieSciolla MiltonSuggs EllaGahnt SuzanneBurgess RaimundoSantos LiliAnel BarbaraMontgomery MichaelAndrews BethlehemRoberson PhiladelphiaJazzProject FairmountParkConservancy PhiladelphiaParks&Recreation ParksOnTap JazzNearYou PhilyJazz JazzSingers CelebratingSingers SingPhillySing

Voices Of The People - Ella Ganht

Voices Of The People: Celebration of Singers July 6, 7, 8, 2017 Hatfield House 33rd & Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130     The Philadelphia Jazz Project continues as we carry the spirit of Philadelphia into the second weekend of July 2017. In collaboration with Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Parks &   Read More....

Tags : VoicesOfThePeople CelebrationofSingers HatfieldHouse FairmountPark Interdependence Diversity Love Freedom RhendaFearrington PaulJost LeeMo AnnieSciolla MiltonSuggs EllaGahnt SuzanneBurgess RaimundoSantos LiliAnel BarbaraMontgomery MichaelAndrews BethlehemRoberson PhiladelphiaJazzProject FairmountParkConservancy PhiladelphiaParks&Recreation ParksOnTap JazzNearYou PhilyJazz JazzSingers CelebratingSingers SingPhillySing


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Philly Jazz Quotes

If it hadn't been for him, there wouldn't have been none of us. I want to thank Mr. Louis Armstrong for my livelihood.
                    Dizzy Gillespie

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Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.