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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Always Celebrating Trane

  "I'd like to point out to people the divine in a musical language that transcends words. I want to speak to their souls."   ——  John Coltrane   One of the most important artists of the 20th century was a Philadelphian. He was our neighbor. He walked among us. He lived among us. He was not born here, but he   Read More....

Tags : CelebratingTrane TalkAboutYou JohnColtrane September23rd ColtraneCelebration AlfiePollitt AlanNelson PeteChavez BobbyZankel TerryLawson VictorNorth NasirDickerson SamReed LarryMcKenna TimPrice JulianPressley CharlesCunningham ElliottLevin LarryPrice GeorgeBarron JoshLee PeteChavez LynnRiley CarlGrubbs BillyHarper ImmanuelWilkins OleMathisen MichaelAndrews ChrisOatts WillieWilliams WorldtownSoundsystem HenryTirfe FairmountPark JazzMixtape FreeDownload PhillyJazz

WRTI Announces Debut Of NPR Music Live Sessions

  “Public radio music stations connect and document their local artists in a way that nobody else is capable of...”     Roger LaMay: WXPN General Manager On October 24, 2019, Washington, D.C.- NPR announced the launch of a new microsite, Live Sessions From NPR Music. In efforts to continue to leverage   Read More....

Tags : LiveSessions NPR NPRMusic VuHaus WRTI WXPN Jazz Exclusive VideoContent SouthJazzKitchen SOUTH PhiladelphiaClefClub TemplePerformingArtsCenter SouthPhillyBarbacoa J.MichaelHarrison RogerLeMay TheBridge TinyDesk ConcertSeries Facebook Twitter Instagram BobbyZankel LiliAnel ArnettaJohnson DayramirGonzalez PhillyJazz

Celebrate Coltrane 2019

On September 21st, 2019, the Philadelphia Jazz Project and it's partners will present another celebration of one of America's greatest artists and a neighbor to many Philadelphians: John Coltrane.   CELEBRATE COLTRANE 2019!   DATE & TIMES: September 21st, 2019 12:00 noon to 10:00pm FREE ADMISSION!!!   LOCATIONS: 4 Stages   Read More....

Tags : JohnColtrane Coltrane ColtraneCelebration Birthday Philadelphia FairmountPark Avant-GardeJazz HardBop TenorMadness ForceForGood SaxQuartet SamReed CarlGrubbs BillyHarper EllaGahnt BobbyZankel JulianPressley MichaelPedicin TimPrice JaleelShaw ImmanuelWilkins OleMathisen MichaelAndrews AlfiePollitt AlanNelson MarkAllen WillieWilliams WaverlyAlston WorldtownSoundsystem HenryTirfe FreeConcert OutdoorConcert PhillyJazz

Acknowledgement - Always Celebrating Coltrane

  One of the most important artists of the 20th century was a Philadelphian. He was our neighbor. He walked among us. He lived among us. He was not born here, but he became a man and a professional musician here. We celebrate his birthday every September 23rd.   But, we actually celebrate his mastery, his creativity and his   Read More....

Tags : JazzWalk ColtraneAt90 JohnColtrane ColtraneCelebration Birthday Philadelphia AlfiePollitt AlanNelson PeteChavez BobbyZankel TerryLawson VictorNorth NasirDickerson SamReed LarryMcKenna TimPrice JulianPressley CharlesCunningham ElliottLevin LarryPrice FairmountPark Avant-GardeJazz HardBop PhillyJazz JazzMixtape FreeConcert OutdoorConcert FreeDownload PhillyJazz

The Equinox Concert Mixtapes

  "I'm interested in all the sciences—metaphysics, astrology, astronomy, mental physics..."  - - - - John Coltrane     The Equinox is the time or date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator when day and night are of equal length (about September 22 and March 20). Although this is an   Read More....

Tags : JohnColtrane Celebration Equinox Mixtape JazzMixtape Saxophone ConwellDanceTheater TempleUniversity Philadelphia AlfiePollitt SteveBeskrone AlanNelson PeteChavez VictorNorth NasirDickerson BobbyZankel VinceTurnbull BobBlacksburg PhillyJazz

Celebrating Sunny Murray

The Sunny Murray Memorial Saturday, February 24th, 2018 at 6:00pm The Philadelphia Clef Club of Jazz & Performing Arts 738 S. Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19146   FREE Admission, but you must RSVP TO RSVP CLICK HERE   "I'm at the point in my life now with this message to happiness, expressing to people the magic of being   Read More....

Tags : SunnyMurray SunnyMurrayMemorial Drums Drummer KevinDiehl ClefClub ArsNovaWorkshop Texture Colors TimeKeeper Avant-GardeJazz PhillyJoeJones Philadelphia DaveBurrell OdeanPope HenryGrimes MohammedAli DwightJames MonnetteSudler BobbyZankel JamaaladeenTacuma AlanNelson FarnellNewton JuliusMasri ElliotLevin AaronLevinson CecilTaylor ArchieShepp AlbertAyler JimmyLyons PhillyJazz

Wonderful Sound 6 - Celebrating

SATURDAY DECEMBER 9 | 8pm Celebrating J. Michael Harrison 20 Years of The Bridge CD Release Bobby Zankel Wonderful Sound 6 Philadelphia Clef Club of Jazz and Performing Arts 738 South Broad Street Phila., PA 19146   Over the past few years, Bobby Zankel & the Warriors of the Wonderful Sound have presented some awesome big band   Read More....

Tags : BobbyZankel WarriorsoftheWonderfulSound J.MichaelHarrison TheBridge PaintedBrideArtCenter ClefClub DaveBurrell WilliamParker DaveBurrell MuhammadAli SteveSwell DianeMonroe BNYMellonJazzLivingLegacyAward OdeanPope WonderfulSound6 RudreshMahanthappa JaleelShaw DonByron ReneMcLean MuhalRichardAbrams RaphaelXavierJymieMerritt’sForerunners CecilTaylor JohnColtrane Avant-GardeJazz PhillyJazz

Celebrating Coltrane 2017 - Thanks

"Overall, I think the main thing a musician would like to do is give to the listener the many wonderful things he knows of and senses in the universe…”   ——  John Coltrane       Many thanks to everyone who attended, participated, or wanted to join us in celebrating John Coltrane's 91st   Read More....

Tags : JohnColtrane ColtraneBirthdayCelebration Philadelphia WRTI PhillyCAM WPPM JazzNearYou FairmountParkConservancy SouthJazzCafe ClefClub FreeLibraryofPhiladelphia RittenhouseSoundworks ChasingTrane 7daysofevents OdeanPope SamReed CharlesCunningham TimPrice GeorgeBarron LarryPrice VictorNorth TerryLawson AlanNelson JoshLee LeonJordanSr NimrodSpeaks JimHolton PeteChavez JackSaintClaire LynnRiley BobbyZankel

Celebrating Coltrane 2017

  Bar none, John Coltrane is the most influential tenor saxophonist in jazz history. Whether it's his patented "sheets of sound," his rapid-fire improvisations or his bold cathartic wails, no aspiring jazz saxophonist can afford to neglect the music of Coltrane.      - - - - John Diliberto     I feel like I   Read More....

Tags : JohnColtrane ColtraneBirthdayCelebration Philadelphia WRTI PhillyCAM WPPM JazzNearYou FairmountParkConservancy SouthJazzCafe ClefClub FreeLibraryofPhiladelphia RittenhouseSoundworks ChasingTrane 7daysofevents OdeanPope TerryLawson AlanNelson JoshLee LeonJordanSr NimrodSpeaks JimHolton TimPrice SamReed PeteChavez JackSaintClaire ChrisOatts DylanPrincipi LynnRiley BobbyZankel

50th Anniversary Homage to John Coltrane

50th Anniversary Homage to John Coltrane July 21st, 7:30 pm Philadelphia Clef Club of Jazz & Performing Arts 736-38 S. Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19146 For tickets and Info: CLICK HERE   The Philadelphia Clef Club and Warriors of the Wonderful Sound, led by saxophonist, Bobby Zankel are proud to celebrate the life and music of   Read More....

Tags : JohnColtrane 50thAnniversaryHomage PhiladelphiaClefClub WarriorsoftheWonderfulSound BobbyZankel OdeanPope DianeMonroe MohammadAli Dr.LewisPorter MatthewParrish ChadTaylor NewYorkCity CecilTaylor HankMobley-SonnyGilleteQuintet JymmieMerritt’sForerunners OdeanPope’sSaxophoneChoir RuthNaomiFloyd PennsylvaniaCouncilontheArts JazzCompositionFellowship HermanGoldmanAward PewFellowship OleMathisen DariusJones MarkAllen ColtraneAt90Celebration PhillyJazz

30 Days Of Jazz

April is Jazz Appreciation Month and PhillyCAM in participation with Philadelphia Jazz Project [PJP], will showcase over 50 hours of performances and conversations of Philadelphia’s jazz community over thirty days. The “30 Days of Jazz” celebration features a range of styles, from BeBop to Afro-Latin, with a highlight of new   Read More....

Tags : 30DaysofJazz PhillyJAM JazzAppreciationMonth PhillyCAM PJP 30DaysofJazz Comcast66/966HD/967 Verizon29/30 WPPMFM ThePhillyCAMSessions Electricity LuckyThompson KoreyRiker LaurinTalese ErnestStuart MaxfieldGast RonnieBurrage JakeKelberman CharlesEllerbe RossBellenoit CharliePatierno ParrisLove LeeMo AlexisSimmons KevinValentine JohnColtrane ColtraneAt90 JamesCarter BobbyZankel SonnyFortune OdeanPope RudreshMahanthappa JulianPressley BillyHarper SonicLiberation8 AlfiePollitt SteveBeskrone AlanNelson HomerJackson

The Positive Music

It is not unusual to see a tall, thin caramel-skinned man sitting in the front row of a concert in Philadelphia with his tripod and his video camera, intensely focused, capturing the performance. The man is Steven Berry and this is his work. Since the birth of PJP, five years ago, this gentlemen has documented hundreds of hours of performances   Read More....

Tags : StevenBerry ThePositiveMusic HarrisonRidleyJr. WRTI Filmmaker CommunityCollegeofPhiladelphia ChinonyeChukwu BirdcageLounge CharlieParker RashidZakat TanyaRichardson JimmyHeath JimmyOliver OdeanPope SamReed MonnetteSudler DonGardner CarolHarris LeeSmith BernardSamuels BobbyZankel PatMartino MickeyRoker OrrinEvans DaveBurrell JustinFaulkner TheHistoricalApproachToThePositiveMusic

Return Of The Sound Warriors

For the past few years, saxophonist, composer and band leader, Bobby Zankel and his Warriors of the Wonderful Sound, have been busy presenting cutting-edge music to enthusiastic crowds in various locations around the city. This year, Zankel returns with four concerts of big band music centered around his 13 piece ensemble, The Warriors of the   Read More....

Tags : BobbyZankel WarriorsoftheWonderfulSound StillTheNewThingFestival PaintedBride ArsNovaWorkshop BigBand WilliamParker DaveBurrell MuhammadAli RaphaelXavier ReneMcLean CecilTaylor


RAPHSTRAVAGANZA: A Kinetic Cirque Experience Saturday, September 10th 2016, 12:00pm to 7:00pm Center Courtyard of City Hall 1401 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19107 FREE Admission, but you must Get A Ticket Here   Leading hip-hop artist and 2016 Guggenheim Fellow and 2013 Pew Fellow, Raphael Xavier will bring together   Read More....

Tags : RAPHSTRAVAGANZA AKineticCirqueExperience Circus StreetPerformance RaphaelXavier BobbyZankel Jazz PhillyJazz Hiphop BreakDance PewFellowship GuggenheimFellowship

Happy Birthday Sun Ra!!

May 22, 2016 - May 30, 1993   102 years ago today, stars fell on Alabama and out of the debris emerged a brown baby boy, who would be named Herman Poole Blount. We knew him as the intergalactic traveler, philosopher and master musician, Sun Ra.   To celebrate his birthday, we share PJP Mixtape Series - Sun Ra Edition Vol 3, featuring   Read More....

Tags : SunRa Mixtape Arkestra MarshallAllen Jazz Poetry Hiphop PhillyJazz JazzMixtape PJPMixtapeSeries RamRiches SandraTurner-Barnes MichaelAndrews RaymondA.King Bushmeat ThomasStanley HAL2016 TyroneHill TerryLawson DmaniLopez AlfiePollitt KimPedro SamaraiCelestial BobbyZankel

WOWS New Season 2015-16

“Music is an idea, not a style!” - Ornette Coleman   This Fall, the Warriors of the Wonderful Sound return their midweek concert series at the Painted Bride Art Center, that began in the spring of 2015 and featured their amazing big band “Bobby Zankel and the Warriors of the Wonderful Sound with guest soloists Dave   Read More....

Tags : WarriorsoftheWonderfulSound ClefClub RaphaelXavier OdeanPope OliverLake SteveLehman PaintedBrideArtCenter BobbyZankel JulianPressley DianeMonroe JoshLawrence StanSlotter JohnSwana LarryToft TomLawton LeeSmith

Big Wonderful Sound

This music is a big tree with many branches - Bobby Zankel About this time last year, we were all still spinning from the impact of saxophonist, Bobby Zankel & the Warriors of the Wonderful Sound led Still The New Thing Festival This cutting edge music festival was a 1,2 3 punch affair with three sold-out shows at the Painted Bride Art Center   Read More....

Tags : DaveBurrell RudreshMahanthappa JaleelShaw DonByron BobbyZankel WarriorsoftheWonderfulSound StillTheNewThingFestival ClefClub PaintedBride BigBand

Celebrating Ornette

A friend once told me a Jazz joke. It goes: John Coltrane and Sonny Rollins decided to see a wise, holy man to ask him for the secrets of saxophone perfection. To get to him they had to travel many miles by plane and train and then, hike up a snow covered mountain. When they finally reached the summit. They found a small man sitting there with his   Read More....

Tags : OrnetteColeman WarriorsoftheWonderfulSound PaintedBrideArtCenter ArsNovaWorkshop BobbyZankel DenardoColeman CharlieEllerbee AntoineRoney JamaaladeenTacuma

Still The New Thing!

  In the 1950s, a group of musicians diverged from the pack and set the worked on fire. Their approaches openly challenged the prevailing process and caused tensions within the American musical community. Some championed them and their efforts. Others vehemently opposed them and others, even brought their opinions to the point of   Read More....

Tags : CecilTaylor SunRa OrnetteColeman WarriorsoftheWonderfulSound PaintedBrideArtCenter ArsNovaWorkshop BobbyZankel DaveBurrell HenryGrimes WilliamParker AndrewCyrille DenardoColemanGroup CharlieEllerbee AntoineRoney JamaaladeenTacumaBand SunRaArkestra MarshallAllen

What Was All Of That Noise About

As Philadelphians, we easily take pride in the notion that John Coltrane was one of Jazz music's most important figures. We claim his musical roots, his ascendancy into musical stardom and some of us can also still point out locations where he lived, worked or hung out. We Philadelphians are generally proud of John   Read More....

Tags : JohnColtrane Anti-Jazz Noise GeorgeL.Starks BobbyZankel


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Philly Jazz Quotes

Jazz is a phenomenon. …it's an element that was created that almost lacks definition. Because it's endless.
Trudy Pitts

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Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.