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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

The Known Unknown - Celebrating Bill Barron & Ted Curson - Mixtapes

In October 2015, at the American Philosophical Society, PJP presented a tribute concert for two talented Philadelphia artists; saxophonist Bill Barron and trumpeter, Ted Curson, who were in the thick of things during what was called, "The New Thing" in Jazz in the late 1950s and early 1960s. They also had the distinction of working with   Read More....

Tags : KnownUnknown BillBarron TedCurson Celebration MakandaProject Quicksand MakandaKenMcIntyre SamReed MatthewStewart JohnKordalewski BillLowe JerrySabatini JoeFord Ku-umbaFrankLacy WesBrown HeruShabaka-Ra DanBlacksberg TerryLawson TimBrey SunnySunkett LamarPrince MarkGriffith CarolHarris JamesSolomon KennyBarron TootieHeath JimmyHeath LegendaryHasaan JohnColtrane BennyGolson AmericanPhilosophicalSociety PhillyJazz

Singing Nina - Festival & Conference Honoring Nina Simone

NEWS FLASH!!!   They Are BACK For More!!!   "Dear Nina: a sonic love letter to Nina Simone" with Drea d'Nur & Strings by Rootstock Republic   Sunday, September 29, 2019 - 4:00 PM & 8:00 PM   Milo - The Meeting House 7165 Germantown Ave. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19119   FOR TICKETS   Just in case,   Read More....

Tags : NinaSimone SingingNina DearNina Germantown Philadelphia Festival Conference Celebration Screening GardenParty Concert GermantownArts WhatHappenedMissSimone? Milo TheMeetingHouse GermantownHistoricalSociety WyckHouse RootstockRepublic DJRichMedina CurtisInstituteofMusic DavidRose BrendanMcGeehan JimHamilton SallyBlagg HistoricGermantown RittenhouseSoundworks UncleBobbiesBooks&Coffee GermantownEspressoBar SocialActivism ProtestMusic BlackClassicalMusic MasterPianist

Satellites #8 - Erica Corbo

Satellites #8 June 20th, 2018 / 8pm Satellites Are Spinning: A Sizzling, Sonic Celebration of Sun Ra World Cafe Live 3025 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104   For Tickets: CLICK HERE     Continuing the exploration started by our Sun Ra Mixtape Series celebrating the influence of the Philadelphia, visionary musician,   Read More....

Tags : SunRa Satellites Celebration Arkestra EricaCorbo SpaceWhaleOrchestra AlexanderTechnique I America JohnColtrane TheloniousMonk Eye2EyeTrio ChapeloftheGoodShepherd FranklinInstitute BarnesFoundation ArdmoreMusicHall JohnnyBrenda’s WorldCafeLive MarshallAllen FaridBarron TheKinks RayDavies’ PhillyJazz

The Equinox Concert Mixtapes

  "I'm interested in all the sciences—metaphysics, astrology, astronomy, mental physics..."  - - - - John Coltrane     The Equinox is the time or date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator when day and night are of equal length (about September 22 and March 20). Although this is an   Read More....

Tags : JohnColtrane Celebration Equinox Mixtape JazzMixtape Saxophone ConwellDanceTheater TempleUniversity Philadelphia AlfiePollitt SteveBeskrone AlanNelson PeteChavez VictorNorth NasirDickerson BobbyZankel VinceTurnbull BobBlacksburg PhillyJazz

Tenor Madness - Jazz Walk Mixtape

In September of 2016, Philadelphia Jazz Project [PJP] and a group of collaborators presented nine days of free events celebrating the 90th birthday of the legendary Philadelphia Jazz artist, John Coltrane. It was called, Coltrane At 90: Philadelphia Celebrates John Coltrane: A nine day celebration of John Coltrane. Among the many events that   Read More....

Tags : TenorMadness TenorSax Celebration JohnColtrane SonnyRollins SamReed PeteChavez CharlesCunningham LarryMcKenna TimPrice JulianPressley GilbertoCruz KennyDavis JeffJohnson ColtraneAt90 FairmountPark ColtraneHouse 90thBirthday JazzWalk JazzMixtape FreeConcert Mixtape PhillyJazz

Celebration of Trane's Interstellar Space

    I was young and Trane was giving me a chance to play. And I was playing my heart out - it was a new experience for me because I didn't have the bass player to think about. I didn't have the pianist there. It was just me. I wasn't as confident. But, Trane knew that it was there. He knew it was there all the time. - Rashied   Read More....

Tags : InterstellarSpace 50thAnniversary Celebration JohnColtrane RashiedAli TheFire TerryLawson AlanNelson ChrisSmith BloodBrothers DahiDivine Improvisation KarenSaillant DJRob TroiLauren DajuanWilliams JoshWayne DanRouse PhillyJazz Philadelphia


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Philly Jazz Quotes

Jazz is a phenomenon. …it's an element that was created that almost lacks definition. Because it's endless.
Trudy Pitts

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Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.