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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

The Positive Music

It is not unusual to see a tall, thin caramel-skinned man sitting in the front row of a concert in Philadelphia with his tripod and his video camera, intensely focused, capturing the performance. The man is Steven Berry and this is his work. Since the birth of PJP, five years ago, this gentlemen has documented hundreds of hours of performances   Read More....

Tags : StevenBerry ThePositiveMusic HarrisonRidleyJr. WRTI Filmmaker CommunityCollegeofPhiladelphia ChinonyeChukwu BirdcageLounge CharlieParker RashidZakat TanyaRichardson JimmyHeath JimmyOliver OdeanPope SamReed MonnetteSudler DonGardner CarolHarris LeeSmith BernardSamuels BobbyZankel PatMartino MickeyRoker OrrinEvans DaveBurrell JustinFaulkner TheHistoricalApproachToThePositiveMusic


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Philly Jazz Quotes

If it hadn't been for him, there wouldn't have been none of us. I want to thank Mr. Louis Armstrong for my livelihood.
                    Dizzy Gillespie

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Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.