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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Celebrating Sun Ra

ANNOUNCING NEW FREE MIXTAPES TO CELEBRATE SUN RA, CLICK HERE.   Arriving on our planet as a child on May 22nd, 1914 in Birmingham, Alabama: Ironically referred to as The Magic City, Sun Ra also died there in 1993. Gone from his physical form for 29 years, his influence and the audience for his work, continues to grow. Sun Ra was a   Read More....

Tags : SunRa SunRaArkestra Mixtape JazzMixtape FreeMusic FreeMixtape Jazz Poetry Hiphop Birmingham TheMagicCity WRTI J.MichaelHarrison SatellitesAreSpinning SonicCelebration BarnesFoundation ArdmoreMusicHall JohnnyBrendas Planetarium FranklinInstitute WorldCafeLive VolkerGoetze DouglasEwart KingKhan OdeanPope TerryLawson WayneSmithJr SpaceWhaleOrchestra DMHotep TimPrice ParrisLove AlexaGold Bushmeat Satellites SaudahAlAkbar PhillyJazz

Happy Earth Arrival Day Sun Ra!!!

ANNOUNCING NEW FREE MIXTAPES TO CELEBRATE SUN RA, CLICK HERE.   Arriving on our planet as a child on May 22nd, 1914 in Birmingham, Alabama: Ironically referred to as The Magic City, Sun Ra also died there in 1993. Gone from his physical form for 28 years, his influence and the audience for his work, continues to grow. Sun Ra was a   Read More....

Tags : SunRa SunRaArkestra Mixtape JazzMixtape FreeMusic FreeMixtape Jazz Poetry Hiphop Birmingham TheMagicCity WRTI J.MichaelHarrison SatellitesAreSpinning SonicCelebration BarnesFoundation ArdmoreMusicHall JohnnyBrenda's Planetarium FranklinInstitute WorldCafeLive OdeanPope MysteriousTravelerAllStars TaraMiddleton KingKhan AlexaGold Satellites Bethlehem CraigOwens BodoEnsemble SaudahAlAkbar V.ShayneFrederick RobMartino PhillyJazz


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Philly Jazz Quotes

If it hadn't been for him, there wouldn't have been none of us. I want to thank Mr. Louis Armstrong for my livelihood.
                    Dizzy Gillespie

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Jazz News

Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.