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Road To Merida - Part 2 - Elliott Levin

Cancun/Merida; May 16, 2013 Arrive in Cancun... swoon through the Yucatan 180... void past Valladolid... Popola... Chichenitza... into Merida... Steaming spring eternal humid-if-i-cation... revived by Sopa Limon... a Mayan tonic (lemon spiced chicken broth with tortilla strips)... Leads to Olimpo Sonic (theater/venue of our opening &   Read More....

Tags : ElliottLevin Merida Mexico DennisGonzalez Dallas Jazz Poetry Cha'ak'abPaaxil FestivalofImprovisation FreeJazz&Noisiness

Road To Merida - Part 1 - Elliott Levin

In May of 2013, Philadelphia saxophonist and poet, Elliott Levin set off on a brief musical tour. He was traveling to perform in Cha'ak'ab Paaxil: Festival of Improvisation, Free Jazz & Noisiness, which takes place in the beautiful city of Merida, Mexico. Levin was going to jam and collaborate with some old and new friends. On the way, he would   Read More....

Tags : ElliottLevin Merida Mexico DennisGonzalez Dallas Jazz Poetry Cha'ak'abPaaxil FestivalofImprovisation FreeJazz&Noisiness


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Philly Jazz Quotes

If it hadn't been for him, there wouldn't have been none of us. I want to thank Mr. Louis Armstrong for my livelihood.
                    Dizzy Gillespie

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Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.